

Jan 28, 2024

スター・ウォーズ ジェダイ・サバイバー: コボーの収集場所

Where to find every last chest, treasure, and seed pod on Koboh

Looking for a certain collectible location on Koboh in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor? It's a big task, finding every last treasure, plant, chest, and secret in Koboh. This sprawling planet is the largest map in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, and it's filled to the brim with literally hundreds of collectibles.

If you're wondering where that last missing chest or seed pod is on Koboh, then wonder no more. Below we'll help you to 100% the planet with our guide on every last Koboh collectible location in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, with screenshots and instructions on each one. We've got a lot of ground to cover, Jedi, so let's dive in.

Bear in mind that Jedi: Survivor's maps are built in a Metroidvania style, which means certain paths, secrets, and collectibles won't always be available to you on your first pass through a region. Instead, you'll need to progress further through the story and unlock new traversal skills and abilities before returning to find what you missed before.

Take a look below for our in-progress list of every last collectible location on Koboh in Jedi: Survivor.

Gorge Crash Site is where you start your journey on Koboh. It has 14 collectibles in total:

Chest #1 (Scrapyard photoreceptors): Up the ledge in front of the Gorge Crash Site Meditation Point.

Chest #2 (Short Beard): On the far side of the mud pit at the end of the region, hidden in the leaves.

Skill Point Essence: Use Force Lift on the pit droid's ship that's stuck in the tar pit towards the end of the region. Then climb onto the ship to get the essence.

Force Echo (Broken Dredging Machine): A short way down the river path from the Gorge Crash Site Meditation Point.

Databank (Broken Mining Droid): Continue past the Broken Dredging Machine in the river path to find another broken machine at the end.

Databank (Crushed Prospector): In the dark tunnel after the first batch of Bedlam Raiders.

Databank (Koboh Tar): Scan the tar pit at the end of the region.

Force Tear (Fractured Burden): Requires Force Lift. Look underneath the elevator right next to the Meditation Point.

Priorite Shard #1: In the nest up the ledge at the end of the river side path. Wall-run to get there.

Priorite Shard #2: Just after the first two B1 droid enemies, in the cave on the left.

Fire Pineapple: From the Meditation Point, look just to the left of the elevator, by the rock, for the glowing plant.

Cactus Ball (Nabooan Green): To the side of the stacked crates which leads to the Scrapyard photoreceptors chest, right next to the Meditation Point.

Cactus Ball: Head down the main path until you reach the platform with a pole leading out from it, back towards the cave. Slash the glowing plant in the centre of this platform.

Fire Pineapple (Nabooan Green): On the edge of the tar pit just beyond the droid.

Derelict Dam, just beyond Gorge Crash Site, is the first very large region you'll find on Koboh. It has a whopping 47 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Scrapyard Body): On the lower ledge just below the Murdered Prospector Force Echo, on the other side of the jumps that lead you to the Meditation Point. Hop down the nearby edge to find it.

Chest #2 (Light Metals weapon materials): Follow the main path from the Derelict Dam Meditation Point. The chest is to the left, right in front of you.

Chest #3 (Anodized Metal BD-1 materials): Inside Vashtan Wolfe's lair, on the upper ledge.

Chest #4 (Tactical jacket): Enter the cave on the left beyond the dam, and keep going until you drop down a hole where the chest lies waiting.

Chest #5 (Mullet hair): Climb to the top of the dam, use the poles and then the platforms in the tar lake on the right to reach the ledge with the chest.

Chest #6 (Scrapyard head): Beyond the Trontoshell (the giant bird), clear the enemies, then push the cube so you can reach the wall-run segment up to the ledge with the chest.

Chest #7 (Two-tone metal weapon materials): A red chest that requires the Electro-Dart ability. Come back to Vashtan Wolfe's lair and hit the electrical conduit on the wall with a dart to open the chest.

Stim Canister: In the Gorocco Matriarch arena, which requires you to use Force Lift on the large gate atop the elevator next to the Derelict Dam Workbench.

Skill Point Essence #1: Beyond the mud lake below the Meditation Point, just after the curved wall-run section.

Health Essence: Just beyond the Gorocco arena across the rickety bridge from the Meditation Point.

Force Essence: At the top of the elevator next to the Workbench. Use a Roller Mine to blow open the wall on the lower ledge beside the Workbench, then follow the path up and across the bridge.

Upgrade Essence #2: Beyond the Gorocco Matriarch arena, up the floating grapple points, just beyond the next Gorocco. Requires Force Lift to break open the gate leading to the arena, and also requires you to be able to launch yourself off floating grapple points.

New Perk Slot: Use Force Lift on the strangely pommel-shaped elevator near the Trontoshell, then follow the puzzle to the very end. Requires Force Lift and Koboh Grinding upgrade for BD-1.

Force Echo (Murdered Prospector):A short way into the Derelict Dam, down the snaking ledges, propped up against a tree.

Force Echo (Drowned Prospector): By the edge of the mud lake beneath the Murdered Prospector and the Meditation Point.

Databank (Destroyed Dam): Scan the large brown barrel by the edge of the mud lake beneath the Murdered Prospector and the Meditation Point.

Databank (Gorocco Nest): After the Gorocco fight across the rickety bridge from the Meditation Point, Force Pull the side path and head down it.

Databank (Dam Flow Pipes): From the elevator/workbench side, hop across the gap to near the dam itself, and scan the pipes on the right.

Databank (Crumbling Dam Wall): Scan the dam itself where the tar is leaking through.

Databank (Dead Bedlam Raider): On the ledge beside the Workbench, wall-run across the gap and scan the dead body.

Force Echo (A Desperate Escape): In the cave after the first couple of Roller Mines to the left behind the dam.

Databank (Creature Bones): At the top of the elevator next to the Workbench. Use a Roller Mine to blow open the wall on the lower ledge beside the Workbench, then follow the path up. Found while climbing the rope.

Databank (Abandoned Encampment): At the top of the elevator next to the Workbench. Use a Roller Mine to blow open the wall on the lower ledge beside the Workbench. Just before the bridge when you're attacked by two Roller Mines.

Force Echo (The Dredger Run): In the bog beyond the dam, next to the Mullet hair chest. Use the platforms in the bog to reach the ledge.

Force Tear (Fractured Agility): In front of the top of the elevator between the Roller Mine cave and the dam. To reach the top for the first time, free the giant bird in Forest Array, then reach the end of Boiling Bluff and ride the bird across the map.

Priorite Shard #1: On the ledge below the Murdered Prospector near the start of the region. Hop off the edge to find it.

Priorite Shard #2: Drop down to the ledge beside the Derelict Dam Workbench.

Priorite Shard #3: Head to Vashtan Wolfe's lair and inspect the left brazier in front of the door.

Priorite Shard #4: Climb to the top of the dam itself, then use the poles to reach the central ledge on the surface of the lake.

Priorite Shard #5: After scaling the two side-by-side walls (the one that the boglings show you how to do), turn back and climb it to the very top to reach a ledge with the shard.

Priorite Shard #6: Beyond the Gorocco Matriarch arena,. up the floating grapple points, just beyond the next Gorocco. Requires Force Lift to break open the gate leading to the arena, and also requires you to be able to launch yourself off floating grapple points.

Priorite Shard #7: Up the elevator from the Workbench, turn left and cross the bridge, then turn right and drop off the rigth side onto a pillar with the shard.

Priorite Shard #8: Destroy the scavenger droid at the top of the elevator nearest the Meditation Point. To reach the top for the first time, free the giant bird in Forest Array, then reach the end of Boiling Bluff and ride the bird across the map.

Priorite Shard #9: Destroy the dam, and then wade underneath the dam and turn right to find a well-hidden Priorite Shard.

Priorite Shard #10: Use Force Slam on the weird pommel-shaped elevator near the giant beast, turn right at the end after the droideka, and climb the walls up to the top ledge.

Cactus Ball (Felucian Yellow): Continue past the brown barrel next to the bog below the Meditation Point, and into the alcove ahead. Kill the enemies there, and slash the glowing plant.

Cactus Ball: Head downwards before the Meditation Point, reach the end of the bog where the animal skull is, and look towards the cliff edge for the plant.

Fire Pineapple (Felucian Yellow): Slash the glowing plant beneath the platform that connects the Meditation Point area to the dam area.

Cactus Ball: Slash the glowing plant near the Dead Bedlam Raider on the ledge below the Workbench.

Cactus Ball: Slash the glowing plant on the path sloping down from the Workbench.

Fire Pineapple: At the base of the Trontoshell, slash the glowing plant up ahead (it's right after the Trontoshell cutscene).

3x Fire Pineapple (Rare): Beyond the Gorocco Matriarch arena,. up the floating grapple points, just beyond the next Gorocco. Requires Force Lift to break open the gate leading to the arena, and also requires you to be able to launch yourself off floating grapple points.

Cactus Ball: Beneath the machinery that's right next to the Workbench, on the ledge below.

Fire Pineapple (Alderaanian Blue): Use Force Lift on the strange pommel-shaped elevator near the Trontoshell, then immediately turn left at the top. Plant is at the end.

3x Fire Pineapple (Dathomirian Red): Scattered in front of you as you arrive at the top of the elevator nearest the Meditation Point. To reach the top for the first time, free the giant bird in Forest Array, then reach the end of Boiling Bluff and ride the bird across the map.

Here's a region a lot of players may not know even exists at first. To get there, you need to approach the Trontoshell at the end of Derelict Dam, and "tame" it with the same button you use to call Nekkos to you. This will make the Trontoshell lower its head to you, and you can grab onto one of its horns which is covered in vines. It'll then move you over to the beginning of the Winding Ravine region - an area with a total of 11 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Hunter lightsaber): Follow the right path when it splits, all the way until you use the glider. Then jump down to the larger ledge with all the Shiverpedes, and jump to the final ledge from there. You'll see the chest next to the shortcut back down to the start of the region.

Chest #2 (Warm Metal weapon materials): Take the left path when it splits, use the cube to reach the upper ledge around the corner, and turn left halfway along the wall-run segment to reach the side passage with the chest.

Chest #3 (Goatee beard): Take the left path when it splits, use the cube to reach the upper ledge around the corner, reach the end, and push the second cube down. Then stack the two cubes atop each other and push them back to where you found the first cube. Use them to reach the ledge above and get the chest.

Skill Point Essence: Take the left path when it splits, use the cube to reach the upper ledge around the corner, reach the end, and push the second cube down. Use the first cube as a platform to bridge the gap below, so you can push the second cube up to the edge where the Essence is and reach the top.

Priorite Shard #1: Take the right path when it splits, and wall-run ALL the way up.

Priorite Shard #2: Take the right path when it splits, emerge out into the wall-run section and use the rope to swing across. Then, turn around and use the rope again to reach the very top ledge back the way you came.

5x Cactus Ball (Rare): Follow the right path when it splits, all the way until you use the glider. Then jump down to the larger ledge with all the Shiverpedes. There are five plants scattered about this ledge.

Beyond the massive Trontoshell creature lies Southern Reach, another sprawling area filled with a total of 33 collectibles, most of which are (unfortunately) plants:

Chest #1 (Full Beard): On the upper ledge just behind where Mosey is first seen taking care of Brutus the Nekko.

Chest #2 (Kashyyyk Paint weapon materials): Opposite Mosey and Brutus, past the two Gorgers, climb the vines to the top. Then swing across the poles, past the two Bramliks and the fnial pole, then check beneath the path you just came from.

Chest #3 (Quickdraw Blaster): Force Lift the gate in Hunter's Quarry up the ledge, complete part of the puzzle so that the beam hits one of the town's buildings, and then use BD-1's Koboh Grinder spray to lead the beam's energy into the marked house, to clear up all the Koboh matter inside and make the chest accessible.

Skill Point Essence: Use the vine to swing over the Gorocco below, then move a little further on and look towards the cliff wall on your right for the essence.

Force Echo (Besotted): Use the vine to swing over the Gorocco below, and look towards the cliff edge.

Databank (Unusual Silo): Drop from the hanging vine to where you find the Gorocco, and follow the curved metal path around the silo.

Force Echo (Doma, Unbowed): Found on a dead body down the main path of Riverbed Watch.

Priorite Shard #1: Opposite Mosey and Brutus, past the two Gorgers, climb the vines to the upper ledge.

Datadisc: Dropped by a scavenger droid behind the silo, in the area where all the Gorgers and Bramliks are fighting each other.

Priorite Shard #2: On top of the giant circular silo building that you need to parkour up using the two parallel walls.

Priorite Shard #3: Follow the path onward from the top of the giant silo in Rambler's Reach.

Priorite Shard #4: Use Force Lift on the centre of the small dam in the river, and look underneath.

Priorite Shard #5: Force Pull the skull on the Rambler's Reach Outpost entrance archway.

Priorite Shard #6: Use the glider in Hunter's Quarry to reach the top of this cliff near the Rambler's Ranch Outpost Meditation Point.

Bluebell Squish (Nabooan Green): On the path leading down the hill to Mosey after cutscene.

Cactus Ball: When you see Mosey, turn right and hug the right-hand side. Halfway between Mosey and the waterfall is a plant to cut.

Cactus Ball (Alderaanian Blue): On the left as you head down the hill path towards the bunker.

Tuber Maw (Alderaanian Blue): Swing over Gorocco using vine to reach the high ledge. The plant is on this ledge.

Tuber Maw (Nabooan Green): In the cave below the bridge next to the Datadisc Scav Droid, slash glowing plant in small alcove beneath the ledge leading to the tunnel.

6x Tuber Maw (Rare): On grassy path between the two Priorite Shards.

2x Tuber Maw: Two more plants near the cliff edge.

Tuber Maw: On the ledge with the two BX rifle droids, overlooking the Riverbed Watch Meditation Point.

Tuber Maw (Felucian Yellow): Along the mountain, near the Gorocco.

Spine Fluff: Near the border between Southern Reach and Riverbed Watch, hugging the rock near the gate to Rambler's Reach Outpost.

Spine Fluff: Opposite the previous seed, in a corner between the slippery slope and the yellow dam structure.

Bluebell Squish: Turn left shortly after the Meditation Point and slash the plant on your left side.

Bluebell Squish: Just outside the Flooded Bunker.

Tuber Maw: Reach the top of the silo, and then climb up to the top ledge and slash the plant there.

Spine Fluff (Rare): Use the glider in Hunter's Quarry to reach the top.

Flooded Bunker is accessed through Southern Reach. It may appear at first to be little more than a room guarded by a shielded ceiling turret, but once you get Force Lift you can come back and open up the underground portion of this area and collect all of its 6 collectibles:

2x Chest (Coated Metal weapon/BD-1 materials): After following the underwater path and resurfacing, use Force Lift to lift up the circular pedestal in the water and reach the upper level.

Health Essence: After following the underwater path and resurfacing, turn left into the next room and look behind the generator at the end.

Databank (Damage Assessment): Next to the pool, in the dark alcove bit.

Databank (Abandoned Water Filtration System): After following the underwater path, scan the control console in front of you when you resurface.

Priorite Shard: In the surface-level room guarded by the shielded wall turret.

Corroded Silo is the name for the giant circular building in Southern Reach. You can drop down inside from the roof after getting the Force Lift ability. It has 6 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Goatee and Mustache): Continue along the path from the top until you slide down the wall and jump onto a platform with a B1 droid. The chest is at the end.

Chest #2 (Bumpy Rubber weapon material): This chest requires you to Force Lift and then Force Slam it. Follow the main path down the silo, but stop before you reach the elevator. Head down on the lower platform with the patrolling B1 droid, then Force Push the wall at the end and collect the chest behind.

Chest #3 (Arakyd Heavy body): This chest requires you to Force Lift and then Force Slam it. Turn backwards once you're on the platform with the elevator, and wall-run over to the climbing section to reach a higher ledge with the chest.

Databank (Curiosity Sours): Drop down into Corroded Silo from the roof in Southern Reach. You need Force Lift to get inside. Follow the path onto the ledge with the two guards. There's a glowing datapad on a crate to be scanned.

Databank (New Acquisitions): Continue along the path from the top until you slide down the wall and jump onto a platform with a B1 droid. Another datapad is on the floor of this ledge.

Force Echo (Whispered Words): At the end of the silo, opposite the gate out into Riverbed Watch, use Force Slam on the wall to the right and reach the other side. To the left of the Meditation Chamber entrance is the Force Echo.

Water Treatment Works is a series of tunnels underneath Southern Ranch. It won't take long to explore, and only contains 6 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Scrapper hair): At the end of the short tunnel in the cave below the bridge next to the Datadisc scavenger droid.

Chest #2 (Edgehawk Switch): At the end of the side path with the Rawka and Shiverpede.

Chest #3 (Edgehawk Grip): Once you reach the upper level, Force Push the rocks out of the way and look for the chest on the left.

Chest #4 (Edgehawk Emitter): Once you reach the upper level, look back above where you came and you'll see a platform you can reach with the chest at the end.

Databank (Leaking Water Storage): Scan the big storage tank in the main room.

Force Echo (Lawful Good): Found on dead body after the wall-run section to the upper part of the main room.

Riverbed Watch is a relatively small section of Rambler's Reach, with just 12 collectibles to find:

Chest (Bun hair): On the rooftop, almost directly above the Priorite Shard.

Health Essence: Inside the raider tower.

Databank (Warlord's Standard): Scan the item to the side of the Riverbed Watch Meditation Point.

Force Echo (Battle Droid Blues): Up the waterfall at Riverbed Watch, in the cave guarded by Rawka.

Force Echo (A Brokered Alliance): Above the Riverbed Watch Meditation Point, on the roof with all the B1 droids.

Priorite Shard #1: Dropped by Scavenger Droid in the river.

Priorite Shard #2: Around the back side of the building with all the B1 droids, on the roof of the Riverbed Watch Meditation Point building.

Tuber Maw (Dathomirian Red): Continue behind shield turret building and head to base of silo aup ahead. Plant is found in amongst the grass.

Spine Fluff (Alderaanian Blue): On the riverside path between the Riverbed Watch Meditation Point and the Rambler's Reach Outpost Meditation Point.

2x Spine Fluff: Right next to the slippery slope next to the yellow dam.

Hunter's Quarry is the area to your left as you approach the gate to Rambler's Reach Outpost. While not as large as Southern Reach, it contains a few surprises, as weell as 22 collectibles in total:

Chest #1 (Hunter Jacket): Up the left-hand ledge in Hunter's Quarry. Guarded by Gorocco.

Chest #2 (Bomber Jacket): Up the slope in Hunter's Quarry, past all the Gorgers.

Chest #3 (Light Metals BD-1 materials): At the back of the bunker where teh droids are fighting the Gorgers.

Force Essence: There's a breakable wall next to the Hunter's Quarry building; use a Roller Mine from inside the building to break it.

Skill Point Essence: In the Koboh matter puzzle cave (requires you to Force Lift the gate on the far end of Hunter's Quarry). Once you're in, just pull the orb to you, and hold it while you walk through the matter to the essence.

Force Echo (Free Sample): On the edge of the platform where the Hunter Jacket chest is found, overlooking the Outpost Meditation Point.

Databank (The Wise Hunters): Up the slope and past the Gorgers, look on the left side of the room.

Force Echo (A Task Too Far): At the back of the bunker where the droids are fighting the Gorgers.

Databank (A New Beginning): On the left immediately as you enter the bunker area where the droids are fighting the Gorgers.

Databank (A Gift Revoked): On the table in the Hunter's Quarry building, accessible from the roof.

Databank (A Mechanical Touch): On the floor in the Hunter's Quarry building, accessible from the roof.

Databank (The Koboh Emergence): Inside the Koboh matter puzzle cave (which requires Force Lift to get through the big gate). Datapad to scan is in the side room - you need to send the orb in there first.

Force Echo (An Honest Appraisal): In the Koboh matter puzzle cave (which requ ires Force Lift to get through the big gate). Just hold the orb and walk to where you first found it.

Priorite Shard: On the table in the Hunter's Quarry building, accessible from the roof.

Datadisc: Grapple up to the cliff area in Rambler's Reach Outpost, right on the border of Hunter's Quarry near the edge of the map. Then follow the grapple balloons to the right and wall-run along to the top ledge. Requires the ability to launch from grapple points.

Cactus Ball (Dathomirian Red): On the grassy plains leading to the area where droids are fighting the Gorgers.

Pine Fern: A few steps into Hunter's Quarry from the Koboh'd up building on the outskirts of the outpost.

Cactus Ball: In the centre of the open area of Hunter's Quarry.

3x Pine Fern (Rare): To the right of the giant skeleton's skull. You can get up to this high point of Hunter's Quarry by using the grapple balloons (if you have the ability to use them).

Sodden Grotto is directly beneath Hunter's Quarry, and accessible only through the cave near the Rambler's Reach Outpost Meditation Point. Other than one angry Rancor, there's only a handful of things to find down here:

Chest (Scrapyard legs): Take the left path from where the sassy scavenger droid moons you. Yes, really.

New Perk (Shatter): Found in the Rancor room, towards the back.

Force Echo (Dead Researcher): On a corpse against the wall.

Databank (Dead Gorgers): Found just before squeezing through the gap to the scavenger droid.

Databank (Massive Ribcage): Found on the main Sodden Grotto path, just before the Meditation Point.

Force Echo (Prospector Remains): On the opposite side of the Sodden Grotto Meditation Point room.

Priorite Shard #1: Turn left after entering the Grotto, and drop down the ledge on the right.

Priorite Shard #2: Dropped by the scavenger droid that moons you.

While technically part of Rambler's Reach, the dangerous Phon'Qi Caverns are only accessible from Foothill Falls in Prospector's Folly. There's a total of 31 collectibles in these caverns:

Chest #1 (Bomber material): Underneath the third ceiling turret, next to the flaming brazier.

Ability (Slice Magnaguard): Jump up the wall opposite the green forcefield with the Skill Point Essence.

Ability (Chests on Holomap): After fighting the three bosses, climb up the wall in the next room and scan the terminal in the middle of the room.

Chest #2 (Duelist Grip): Use an acid ball on the nearby door to reach the chest.

Chest #3 (Duelist Pommel): Dive into the tiny circular pool where Skoova Stev is catching fish.

Chest #4 (Duelist Switch): Use acid ball on the door leading from the Rancor room, then grapple up twice.

Chest #5 (Duelist Emitter): Use acid ball on the very first door in the caverns, and then Force Slam down the two ceiling objects. One of the holes that appear in the ground leads to a chest.

Skill Point Essence #1: From the very first electrical door in the caverns, wall-run to the left until you reach the essence.

Skill Point Essence #2: Head through the green forcefield down the drop in front of the bottom part of the elevator.

Skill Point Essence #3: After fighting the three bosses, climb up the wall in the next room, turn left, and climb again. Slice the door, and then turn left once more.

Force Echo (Makeshift Grave): Fly across from Foothill Falls and then head into basement of shack (entrance is near the group of Bedlam Raiders).

Force Echo (Abandoned Corpse): Squeeze through the gap from T-1N8 and turn left.

Databank (Cavern Fungus): Force Lift the obstacle out of the hole to go further down into the caverns, then grapple to the nearby ledge on your right.

Force Echo (A Gen'dai Plots): Follow the path after going down the hole and grappling to the right. At the end of the next room is a droid corpse with an Echo.

Databank (Raider Depot): Drop down the hole in the room with the "A Gen'dai Plots" Force Echo, and destroy the turret. Scan the console below the turret.

Databank (Rancor Prey): Behind the Rancor.

Force Echo (A Cave Too Far): In the same room as the Rancor, near the opposite wall.

Databank (Dead Jedi): After being trapped between the two forcefields and dropped, head through the green forcefield above you.

Force Echo (A Fallen Knight): After being trapped between the two forcefields and dropped, head through the green forcefield above you, then throw one of the acid balls at the electric gate and look to the right for the Force Echo.

Force Echo (Rayvis's Search): In the next room after fighting the three bosses.

Databank (Republic Control Room): After fighting the three bosses, climb up the wall in the next room and scan the terminal on the right.

Force Echo (Scientific Frisson): Use acid ball on the nearby door.

Force Echo (As Above, So Below): Use acid ball on the door leading from the Rancor room.

Databank (Cave Turbolift Network): Use acid ball on the very first electrical door in the caverns, and scan the door inside.

Datadisc #1: Behind the Rancor.

Datadisc #2: Where the magnaguard fights you.

Datadisc #3: One of the pots in front of the electric circular gate, behind which the raider with the double-bladed green lightsaber waits.

Datadisc #4: One of the pots on the edge of the drop right in front of the bottom part of the elevator.

Datadisc #5: One of the pots to the left of the electric circular gate, behind which the raider with the double-bladed green lightsaber waits.

Datadisc #6: After being trapped between the two forcefields and dropped, head through the green forcefield above you.

Home to Pyloon's Saloon and most of the characters on Koboh, Rambler's Reach Outpost has a startling number of hidden secrets, and you'll need to lay all of them bare to find the whopping 37 collectibles in this region:

Chest #1 (Arakyd Heavy Barrel): This chest requires you to Force Lift and then Force Slam it. Found on the left ridge overlooking the Rambler's Reach Outpost. Grapple onto the vines to reach it.

Chest #2 (Tactical Shirt): On the roof of the building.

Chest #3 (Rebel Paint BD-1 materials): This chest requires you to Force Lift and then Force Slam it. Found on the first ledge of the cliff that rises up behind Pyloon Saloon and around the Mantis. Use the garden and the vines to reach it.

Chest #4 (Bomber Pants): Use Force Lift on the middle door underneath the Mantis landing pad.

Chest #5 (Edgehawk Pommel): This chest requires you to Force Lift and then Force Slam it. Reach the highest level of the area behind the Mantis.

Chest #6 (Unique Metal BD-1 materials): Nekko super jump into the top floor of the stable, then Force Lift the grate in the floor and drop down for the chest.

Chest #7 (Duelist material): Inside T-1N8's house - you need to rescue her from Phon'Qi Caverns and then speak to her outside the house to unlock it.

Chest #8 (Swoop blaster): In the house after recruiting the jawas from Bygone Settlement. Hit the conduit above with an electro-dart and then connect the cord in the roof to the section above the door to open it and reach the chest.

Stim Canister: In Doma's Shop, purchase the Mysterious Keycode in her shop to unlock the nearby door. Head through for the Stim.

Ability: (Show plants on map): Plant one of every type of plant in the garden and let them fully grow. Then have BD-1 slice the terminal pictured.

Skill Point Essence #1: Talk to the person inside the closed off building with all the eye cameras, near the entrance to the outpost. After Jedi mind-tricking them, go down the staircase that opens in the floor.

Skill Point Essence #2: In the house after recruiting the jawas. Hit the conduit above with an electro-dart and then connect the cord in the roof to the section above the door to open it and reach the chest.

Force Echo (The First Move): On the left ridge overlooking the Rambler's Reach Outpost. Use grapple and climb vines to reach it.

Databank (Obsession): Force Lift and then dash through the forcefield door of the building marked on the map.

Databank (Forever Curious): Force Lift and then dash through the forcefield door of the building marked on the map.

Force Echo (Soont Madas): Talk to the person inside the closed off building with all the eye cameras, near the entrance to the outpost. After jedi mind-tricking them, go down the staircase that opens in the floor.

Databank (Turgle's Shiny Shell): Scan the shell on the edge of the river.

Databank (Relter Egg): Reach the highest level of the area behind the Mantis and scan the nest in the cave.

Databank (List of Grievances): Nekko super jump onto the roof of the building and drop down from there.

Force Echo (Mistakes): To the left of the blue door to Doma's shop. Only available after reaching the end of the main story.

Force Echo (Leash): Underneath the Mantis. Only available after reaching the end of the main story.

Force Echo (Disguises): By the post in the ground near the Mantis. Only available after reaching the end of the main story.

Force Tear (Fractured History): Next to Doma's Shop.

Force Tear (Fractured Duality): On top of the tallest building of the outpost, can climb up the vines from the garden.

Priorite Shard #1: Dropped by Scavenger Droid.

Priorite Shard #2: Nekko super jump onto the roof of the building and drop down from there.

Priorite Shard #3: Nekko super jump into top floor of the stable.

Priorite Shard #4: Force Lift the dung on the bottom floor of the stable.

Priorite Shard #5: Use the glider at the top of Untamed Downs to reach the very top of the building.

Priorite Shard #6: Dropped by Scavenger Droid outside Gorger cave.

Datadisc #1: In the house after recruiting the jawas from Bygone Settlement.

Datadisc #2: In the other house after recruiting the jawas from Bygone Settlement.

Bluebell Squish (Felucian Yellow): On the edge of the stable fence.

Pine Fern: Reach the penultimate (in height) level of the area behind the Mantis and slash the plant at the map location.

Pine Fern (Dathomirian Red): Reach the penultimate (in height) level of the area behind the Mantis and slash the plant at the map location.

Pine Fern: Reach the penultimate (in height) level of the area behind the Mantis and slash the plant at the map location.

Pine Fern: Reach the highest level of the area behind the Mantis and slash the plant at the map location.

Pine Fern: Reach the highest level of the area behind the Mantis and slash the plant at the map location.

Pine Fern (Nabooan Green): In the garden atop Pyloon's Saloon.

Pine Fern (Felucian Yellow): At the corner of the grey bunker-like building near the entrance to the Outpost.

Bluebell Squish: Just outside the stable fence.

Spine Fluff: A few metres from the stable fence.

Your home away from home has just 5 collectibles to find:

Chest #1 (Scrapper Outfit): Next to the Meditation Point.

Chest #2 (Eerin Siinaa music track): Inside the back room, talk to Doran on ~7 occasions and he'll unlock it for you.

Databank (Hallikset): Next to the Meditation Point.

Force Echo (Angles): In the bar area of Pyloon's Saloon. Only available after reaching the end of the main story.

Databank (Moran's Possessions): Inside the back room, talk to Doran on ~7 occasions and he'll unlock it for you.

Priorite Shard: In the toilet in Pyloon's Saloon.

The Smuggler's Tunnels are connected to Pyloon's Saloon and Phon'Qi Caverns, and you may need to approach them from both ends in order to pick up the 13 collectibles housed there:

Chest (Tactical material): Dive underwater at the bottom of the tunnels.

Skill Point Essence: Smuggler's Tunnels, first danger room.

New Perk Slot: From the outpost side, follow the path until you emerge into a cavern with a green forcefield. Dash through first one then the other forcefield in front of you.

Databank (No Way Out): First room of Smuggler's Tunnels.

Databank (List Of Grievances): Next to the green forcefield in the Outpost building (nekko super jump to get in).

Databank (Jailbreak Inventory): Follow the path through down the tunnel (from the outpost side) until you see light and defeat the Gorgers. Then look on the left for a datapad to scan.

Force Echo (Death In The Dark): From the outpost side, follow the path until you emerge into a cavern with a green forcefield. To your left is a body with the echo.

Databank (One Last Victory): From the outpost side, follow the path until you emerge into a cavern with a green forcefield. Dash through the forcefield and then turn left to reach the side platform.

Force Tear (Fractured Momentum): Retrace your steps until you're above the Collapsed Passage Meditation Point, then wall-run over to the green forcefield and dash through it.

Priorite Shard #1: Next to the green forcefield in the Outpost building (Nekko super jump to get in).

Priorite Shard #2: Down the Smuggler's Tunnels from the outpost side (past the green forcefield), take the first left.

Priorite Shard #3: Follow the path through down the tunnel (from the outpost side) until you see light and defeat the Gorgers. Then look to the right.

Priorite Shard #4: From the outpost side, follow the path until you emerge into a cavern with a green forcefield. Dash through the forcefield and then turn left to reach the side platform.

This tiny offshoot of Smuggler's Tunnels contains just the 1 collectible:

Datadisc: On a raised platform in the Collapsed Passage. Double back after the back-to-back wall-jumping section.

Harvest Ridge lies on the other side of Riverbed Watch, in the dead centre of Rambler's Reach. It's a fairly chunky area, with a total of 23 collectibles to gather, most of them plants:

Chest #1 (Wanderer Pants): Use Nekko mount to super jump up wall (marked purple), and then do both wall runs and pole swing across gap to get chest.

Chest #2 (Shortpaw's Dance music track): From the Meditation Point, glide down onto the top of the barn.

New Perk Slot: Get into the barn, complete the puzzle with the Nekko, then get out the way you came and super jump up to the nearby ledge. Alternatively, wall-run around the outside upper section of the barn to get on the roof, and then dash across to the nearby ledge. Whichever - after you're up there, look to the right for the essence.

Force Echo (Home On The Range): Get up to the top part of Harvest Ridge (via Moldy Depths), then Nekko super jump to the next level and drop into the barn. Scan the eggs.

Priorite Shard: Use Nekko mount to super jump up wall (marked purple), and then do both wall runs but drop down instead of pole-swinging. Follow the path round to the left to find the Priorite.

Palm Fruit Shell (Felucian Yellow): In tunnels near the slippery slope that leads back down into Riverbed Watch.

Bluebell Squish: Near the slippery slope.

Palm Fruit Shell: Near the slippery slope.

Palm Fruit Shell: Near the slippery slope.

Bluebell Squish: By broken fence near the big metal grate outside building in Harvest Ridge.

Palm Fruit Shell: By the fence to the side of the building with the pullcord door leading to Moldy Depths.

Palm Fruit Shell (Alderaanian Blue): Use Nekko mount to super jump up nearby wall (marked purple on map) and then turn left and slash glowing plant up ahead.

Palm Fruit Shell: Use Nekko mount to super jump up wall, and then wall run across gap and turn left. Slash plant.

Palm Fruit Shell: Use Nekko mount to super jump up to vines in the middle, and then slash plant immediately on your right.

5x Palm Fruit Shell (inc. Rare): Use Nekko mount to super jump up wall, wall-run, then go all the way up to the top of the right-hand of the two walls that you jump between.

Bluebell Squish: Get up to the top part of Harvest Ridge (via Moldy Depths), then look to the left of where the droids and raider attack you, against the cliff wall.

Palm Fruit Shell (Dathomirian Red): Get up to the top part of Harvest Ridge (via Moldy Depths), then Nekko super jump to the next level and look in the back left corner for the plant.

Palm Fruit Shell: Near the border between Harvest Ridge and Untamed Downs.

Palm Fruit Shell: Reach the roof of the stable and drop down onto the plant-covered ledge to the side.

Moldy Depths are a tiny underground section beneath Harvest Ridge. They contain just 1 collectible:

Datadisc: Get down into Moldy Depths by opening the drawstring door next to DD-EC in Harvest Ridge. Datadisc is in a corner near where all the Gorgers are

Fort Kah'lin is a haven for the Bedlam Raiders, and as such a dangerous place for Cal. You'll need to do lots of fighting (including against the Spawn Of Oggdo, one of the most annoying bosses in the game) if you want to find all 13 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Bomber Shirt): In room behind CIS tanker in Fort Kah'Lin.

Chest #2 (Poncho Outfit): Defeat Spawn of Oggdo and loot chest in boss arena.

Chest #3 (Mountaineer material): Mind-trick the guy in the room marked on the map. Can easily reach it from the Harvest Ridge Meditation Point or via the Grapple Balloon nearby in Fort Kah'lin.

Skill Point Essence: Get onto the very top level of the fort, then head to the ledge above where you drop down into the Spawn Of Oggdo room.

Databank (Past Signs of Life): In the room directly ahead of Fort Kah'Lin Meditation Point.

Databank (Bandit Camp): In room to the left of the Fort Kah'Lin Meditation Point.

Force Echo (Victorious Surrender): Follow path to the left of Fort Kah'Lin Meditation Point until you reach a dead end.

Databank (A House Divided): On the super battle droid body in the corner of the marked house. Can easily reach from the Harvest Ridge Meditation Point of via the Grapple Balloon nearby in Fort Kah'lin.

Force Echo (Internal Affairs): On the B1 droid body in the corner of the marked house. Can easily reach from the Harvest Ridge Meditation Point of via the Grapple Balloon nearby in Fort Kah'lin.

Priorite Shard: You can grab the glint that lures you into Spawn of Oggdo's arena, on the grate that opens, after defeating the boss.

Goldenlight Moss (Rare): From the roof of the Oggdo room, climb the vines to reach the grassy section beyond and slash the plant at the location marked on the map.

Goldenlight Moss: From the roof of the Oggdo room, climb the vines to reach the grassy section beyond and slash the plant at the location marked on the map.

Goldenlight Moss: From the roof of the Oggdo room, climb the vines to reach the grassy section beyond and slash the plant at the location marked on the map.

The Untamed Downs border both Harvest Ridge and Rambler's Reach Outpost, and contain a wealth of Databank entries and a total of 31 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Santari Khri lightsaber): In Untamed Downs cave, use a Roller Mine from previous bunker and guide it into cave to break wall.

Chest #2 (Geonosian Audio Sensors): In an Untamed Downs cave that you jump to reach, follow path to top and use vines on roof to get higher. Kill the Mogu and go past, then turn right and run across wall to find a chest.

Chest #3 (Arakyd Heavy Grip): Requires the electro-dart ability. Found in the centre of the region, on the edge of a drop. Shoot the nearby electrical conduit to open the chest.

Chest #4 (Hunter Material): Requires the electro-dart ability. Between the two pillars on the border between Untamed Downs and Harvest Ridge, shoot a dart at the nearby electrical conduit.

Chest #5 (Mountaineer Jacket): In Bilemaw Cave, jump onto pillar and climb vines. Then, follow path around and jump from ledge to second pillar. Mind control Garra to make them move off the chest.

Chest #6 (Swooper Legs): Shoot a dart through the grate round the right of the door to open it, then collect the chest inside.

Skill Point Essence #1: Past the green forcefield at the end of the bunker with all the mines, Force Lift the door on the right and head through, then turn left.

Skill Point Essence #2: Dash over the gap in front of the Untamed Downs Meditation Point and follow the path until you reach the arena with the 3 large beasts. Behind the waterfall is the essence.

Force Echo (Breaking, Not Entering): Up the slope from the battle droids in the Untamed Downs, by a sealed door.

Force Echo (A Small Mercy): In alcove on the left as you re-enter Untamed Downs through the back of Fort Kah'Lin.

Databank (An Ecological Study): Ahead of Untamed Downs Meditation Point, down the ridge in the cave.

Force Echo (Technological Betrayal): In the bunker with the shielded doorway, guarded by Roller Mines, at the end of the Untamed Downs field.

Force Echo (Shelter of Last Resort): In Untamed Downs cave, use a Roller Mine from previous bunker and guide it into cave to break wall.

Databank (Mogu Den): In the cave that you have to jump to reach in Untamed Downs, follow path around to find scan point.

Databank (The Deep Caverns): Past the green forcefield at the end of the bunker with all the mines, check behind the hanging box on the right-hand side.

Databank (Gift Of Fire): Past the green forcefield at the end of the bunker with all the mines, Force Lift the door on the right and head through, then turn left.

Databank (The Truth): Past the green forcefield at the end of the bunker with all the mines, Force Lift the door on the right and head through, then turn right.

Databank (Bilemaw Burrow): In the Bilemaw cave accessible from Harvest Ridge.

Databank (Warning Sign): Dash over the gap in front of the Untamed Downs Meditation Point and follow the path until you hit the sign.

Force Echo (The Feeding Grounds): Dash over the gap in front of the Untamed Downs Meditation Point and follow the path until you reach the arena with the 3 large beasts. After that, climb the wall and you'll see the echo.

Force Echo (The Ties That Bind): From the cave on the edge of Untamed Downs, ride the glider to the central rock. Use the bar to swing to the top, then enter the cave.

Force Echo (Turgle Makes a Deal): In Bilemaw cave in Harvest Ridge, sits under Fort Kah'Lin. Climb vines on pillar and follow path around.

Priorite Shard #1: In Untamed Downs Meditation Point cave, through the waterfall.

Priorite Shard #2: When entering Mogu room, turn right and hop across gap to ledge.

Priorite Shard #3: Use Nekko super jump to reach the green forcefield in the rock, then follow the path up and jump across to the high ledge with the priorite.

Priorite Shard #4: By the crashed ship on the ridge near Fort Kah'lin, Force Lift the stones on the ground.

Priorite Shard #5: At the base of the two large archways in the cliff side, near Fort Kah'lin. Force Lift the stones on the ground.

Priorite Shard #6: Nekko super jump onto the ledge near the locked door in the centre.

Palm Fruit Shell (Nabooan Green): Up the slope from the battle droids in the Untamed Downs, by a sealed door. Opposite Force Echo.

Spine Fluff: On the ledge just next to the Outpost river.

Bluebell Squish: In the middle of the large clearing outside Fort Kah'lin.

The underground Alignment Control Center is accessible through the doorway in the central Untamed Downs rock as you approach from the Rambler's Reach Outpost side. It contains 4 collectibles:

Chest (Harmony Pommel): Cave that leads to Alignment Control Center elevator, near where you enter slide down wall and run across to find chest beneath the entrance.

Ability (Show Essences on map): Complete all six chambers plus get the Ambidexterity Perk in Devastated Settlement. Learn more with our Jedi: Survivor Alignment Control Center puzzle guide.

Force Echo (Patience): Only available after reaching the end of the main story. At end of oval room with waves of enemies adjoining Meditation Point room.

Datadisc: From the cave on the edge of Untamed Downs, ride the glider to the central rock. Then jump down the centre into the cave mouth below and find the corpse on the edge of another drop.

Swindler's Wash is located just beyond Rambler's Reach Outpost, and its rocky, watery terrain holds a total of 18 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Tactical Pants): Up slope from Swindler's Wash Meditation Point, take a left and kill Super and Commando Battle Droids and then slice nearby chest.

Chest #2 (Tactical Material): Climb up to Forest Gate, and then turn right to find chest overlooking Outpost.

Health Essence: Past Bilemaw, wall run to find small ledge and then turn back and wall run again, jumping up to higher wall run segment. Jump onto podium overlooking Bilemaw area.

Force Tear (Fractured Resolve): Behind the waterfall.

Priorite Shard #1: On platform overlooking the Bilemaw, follow the path leading up between the Swindler's Wash Meditation Point and Forest Gate.

Priorite Shard #2: Past the Bilemaw, wall run to find a small ledge leading to a Priorite Shard in an alcove.

Priorite Shard #3: Climb up to Forest Gate, and then turn right and head through the thick hanging vines to find shard.

Goldenlight Moss (Nabooan Green): To the side of Swindler's Wash Meditation Point.

Spine Fluff (Felucian Yellow): On the low path leading towards the Swindler's Wash Force Tear, climb ledge on left side and slash glowing plant.

Goldenlight Moss: To the side of Swindler's Wash Meditation Point.

Spine Fluff: On the right-hand side up against the cliff wall as you're walking up the river.

Goldenlight Moss: Facing the Meditation Point from the far side of the broken bridge, look to the right and slash the plant a few steps from you.

Goldenlight Moss: Climb up onto the tall rock separating Swindler's Wash from Rambler's Reach Outpost, and slash the plant on the very edge.

Spine Fluff: On the right-hand side up against the cliff wall as you're walking up the river, just before going under the rock bridge.

Bygone Settlement is connected to Untamed Downs via a slippery slope that you'll need a Nekko to climb up. There are 15 collectibles to find here:

Chest #1 (Geonosian Head): Follow path into Bygone Settlement and stick to the right, climbing the ridge when you see it. Super jump up to the zipline on the ridge, and then parkour around to the chest.

Chest #2 (Choppy Forward Hair): Zipline up and parkour around to the Geonosian Head Chest, and then turn back and leap across the gap near the second zipline and force pull a rope. Swing across and follow path around to find this chest.

Chest #3 (Wanderer Jacket): From Bygone Settlement Meditation Point, parkour up to walkways and turn left. Force Push grate, and then climb across and parkour around to next platform.

Chest #4 (Geonosian Legs): Save the jawa beyond the path where you dash through the wind vent. Then use the object the jawa moves for you to get across to the ledge on the left. Inside is the chest.

Skill Point Essence: Save the jawa, then follow the path with the moving crates until you defeat the raiders attacking the jawa ship. Once the ship opens, go up into it and follow the path around and behind until you reach the roof.

Databank (Ancient Architecture): From Bygone Settlement Meditation Point, turn back and wall run towards wall climb. Climb up and go across netted ceiling to drop onto walkways above, and then follow walkway to the right past Jawa house to find scan point.

Databank (Digger Crawler): Save the jawa, then follow the path with the moving crates until you defeat the raiders attacking the jawa ship. Then scan the ship.

Priorite Shard #1: From Bygone Settlement Meditation Point, parkour up to walkways and follow it to scan point (stick right, don't turn). Go into scannable building to find shard.

Priorite Shard #2: Wall-run from the Meditation Point, follow the path to the top and then Dash through the vent to grip the opposite wall. Follow the path round to the place where you save the jawa, then Force Pull the wall in the room and squeeze through.

Priorite Shard #3: Save the jawa, then follow the path with the moving crates until you defeat the raiders attacking the jawa ship. Once the ship opens, go up into it and take the Priorite at the end

Priorite Shard #4: Squeeze through the gap opposite the jawa crawler.

Priorite Shard #5: Nekko super jump up the ledge by the wall in the watery area.

Spine Fluff (Nabooan Green): Follow path up Bygone Settlement and super jump onto podium. Cut glowing plant.

Bluebell Squish (Dathomirian Red): From Bygone Settlement Meditation Point, drop down to right of podium and slash glowing plant.

Bluebell Squish: Near ridge out in the open.

Connecting from Swindler's Wash is Basalt Rift, the first region you'll come across in Basalt Forest. It's a fairly large place, filled with 23 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Hunter Pants): On the platform where Bilemaw fights stormtroopers, after slippery slope.

Chest #2 (Crew Cut Hair): Take low path (that goes beneath rope swing leading to Chamber of Reason) and fight through group of stormtroopers. Chest is to the side after beating them.

Chest #3 (Diligence Pommel): Take low path down to sleeping Bilemaw, and then turn back and look under the sloped rock that you used to get down.

Chest #4 (Hunter material): From the Meditation Point, jump over to where the droids are fighting the troopers. Jump off the far end and hook onto the hidden grapple point below to reach the chest.

Stim Canister: Wall-run up wall past Mogu and then turn right and follow path around to Stim chest.

Databank (Basalt Pillars): Activate and use the zipline in Basalt Rift, and then scan the pillars that the zipline is attached to.

Databank (Drop Pod): On the platform where two Battle Droids fight a shield stormtrooper.

Databank (Same Story, Different Planet): Where you drop down to fight the three stormtroopers, right by where they're stood.

Databank (Bilemaw's Revenge): On the platform where Bilemaw fights stormtroopers, after slippery slope.

Databank (Risk and Research): In Toa's camp.

Databank (The Short Straw): Take low path (that goes beneath rope swing leading to Chamber of Reason) and fight through group of stormtroopers. Scan point is to the side after beating them.

Databank (Bilemaw Pools): Take low path down to sleeping Bilemaw, and turn left at the bottom to scan shallow pools.

Databank (Koboh Dust): Climb vines across and jump from the leaning bar to the ledge ahead, and scan the dust.

Priorite Shard #1: After passing through the Forest Gate, wall run across to where you cut the pillars with your lightsaber. The Priorite Shard is on this platform.

Priorite Shard #2: Wall run up slippery slope in Basalt Rift, and then turn back and wall run up higher sections to reach ledge overlooking the slope.

Priorite Shard #3 (Scav Droid): Take low path down to sleeping Bilemaw and turn right to find scav droid.

Datadisc #1: Above the sleeping Bilemaw, pull out the rocks and parkour up to the higher platform. Then start working your way through the weird swarm area. Just on the right after you first hang from the ceiling is a tiny cave area with the Datadisc.

Datadisc #2: Wall-run up to the platform above the Mogu.

Goldenlight Moss (Dathomirian Red): Wall run across to where you cut the pillars with your lightsaber, and then slash glowing plant on the far side.

Goldenlight Moss: Zipline across in Basalt Rift, and then turn left and slash glowing plant.

Goldenlight Moss (Felucian Yellow): After climbing vine wall, turn right just before approaching Toa's camp.

Goldenlight Moss Seed Pods: Take low path (that goes beneath rope swing leading to Chamber of Reason) and head down to the sleeping Bilemaw. Glowing plant is behind the Bilemaw.

Nekko Pools are a small offshoot from Bygone Settlement, and other than the titular Nekkos, you'll also find 6 collectibles in this small region:

Chest (Swooper Body): Ride Nekko until you reach the gate, and then super jump up to the nearby ledge to the right of the gate.

Databank (Nekko Scratches): From Nekko Pools Meditation Point, wall run up slippy slope and then climb vines around. Slide down second slippy slope, and head forward into clearing.

Priorite Shard #1: Head into cave between the slippy slopes and follow path to end.

Priorite Shard #2: In cave at top of slippery slopes.

Bluebell Squish (Alderaanian Blue): From Nekko Pools Meditation Point, wall run up slippy slope and then climb vines around. Slide down second slippy slope, and immediately turn right.

Bluebell Squish: From Nekko Pools Meditation Point, wall run up slippy slope and then climb vines around. Slide down second slippy slope, and head forward into clearing.

Bilemaw Den is a tiny little sub-region which is accessible through the Forest Array (below). It contains just 3 collectibles:

Chest (Tactical Material): Behind the tent on the cliff edge where you control the Bilemaw to defeat the stormtroopers.

Ability (Confusion, Major Fauna): Opposite the stormtrooper sitting down in Forest Array, drop down the ledge and squeeze through the gap to reach Bilemaw Den. It's right in front of you as you enter.

Goldenlight Moss: After passing through the stormtrooper/bilemaw camp, follow path around to the parkour section. Before parkour, head to left corner and slash plant.

Rift Passage is barely a region at all - more just a connection between two regions. You won't be able to traverse it immediately, but it does contain 2 collectibles to check out:

Chest (Kashyyyk Paint BD-1 materials): From the end of the long zipline, shoot a dart at the conduit above the chest down to your left, and then drop down and open the chest.

Datadisc: Take the long zipline and take the datadisc from atop the drum at the upper ledge on the other end.

Forest Array is a major region that you'll encounter in the main story through Koboh, and the abundance of dangerous Koboh matter in the region makes it tricky to explore. There are 25 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Hunter Shirt): Turn left at Forest Array Meditation Point, and jump into Koboh Dust to grapple to the climbing wall ahead. Climb to top and leap to the right to find chest.

Chest #2 (Light Mustache Beard): Get knocked off the parkour bit by big bird and follow path until you reach circular chamber with lots of dead Rawka. Wall-run and swing from pole to reach chest.

Chest #3 (Diligence Switch): Follow the path upwards past the Mogu.

Chest #4 (Swooper Head): After unlocking the right path from the Meditation Point, follow the path upwards and then take a right turn down the large walkway, squeeze through the gap, and jump across to the ledge with the chest.

Chest #5 (Hunter Material): Free the birdy, then follow the laser path and climb up to where you couldn't reach before because birdy knocked you off.

Chest #6 (Diligence Grip): After gliding down to the orb coupler and scout trooper in the Koboh Dust, follow the beam towards chest.

Skill Point Essence: Drop down to the right after beating Mogu and grapple over to the ledge. Climb across the ceiling to get to the essence.

Perk (Fortification): From the Swooper Head Chest, use the poles to reach the higher ledge.

Databank (Koboh Barrier): Turn left from Forest Array Meditation Point and follow walkway to the blocked path.

Databank (Epic Moltings): Head left from Forest Array Meditation Point and parkour around until you get knocked down by big bird. Climb nearby ledge and walk foward to scan molted feathers.

Databank (Auxiliary Array Telescope): Scan the big structure ahead after defeating the Mogu.

Databank (Orb Amplifier): Climb up past the Mogu and slide down into the chamber (main path).

Databank (Central Rotational Apparatus): After gliding down to the orb coupler and scout trooper in the Koboh Dust.

Databank (Indomitable): Go through the door next to the Bilemaw Den Meditation Point, and enter the cylindrical area with the stormtroopers. Scan the shield resting against the wall.

Datadisc #1: Push beam to left of Forest Array Meditation Point and then drop into Koboh Dust to grab Datadisc.

Datadisc #2: Drop into Koboh Dust on right side of Forest Array Meditation Point and make way through to cog.

Datadisc #3: After using Orb Amplifier to cut through Koboh Barrier, head to the right side of Forest Array Meditation Point and climb up to platforms above Koboh Dust. Swing across poles to reach platform with Datadisc.

Datadisc #4: After rotating the orb coupler to face back to the Forest Array Meditation Point, run down the path towards the Meditation Point to find the datadisc on the floor.

Datadisc #5: After gliding down into group of stormtroopers (after freeing the big bird), turn back and follow the walkway back the way you came.

Datadisc #6: After gliding down to group of stormtroopers, kill the Bilemaw and then wade into the Koboh Dust to get a datadisc.

Datadisc #7: Point central beam back towards Forest Array Meditation Point, then use Koboh Grinder to connect beam to koboh matter to the right of the stairs to make the Datadisc drop.

Datadisc #8: Drop into the Koboh Dust just to the right of the Workbench. Datadisc is on the edge of the cliff, on the corrugated metal plate on the floor.

Datadisc #9: At the base of the tree in the Koboh Dust to the right, just before the stairs that lead to the Rehabilitation Wing elevator. Hold the orb to repel the dust.

Datadisc #10: In the central circle with the orb/beam. Hold the orb to reach it.

Goldenlight Moss (Alderaanian Blue): Take path right from Forest Array Meditation Point and take slope leading up to scout trooper sat down at a ledge. Plant is to the left of scout trooper.

The Rehabilitation Wing is more of an arena than a region, and contains just the 2 collectibles:

Health Essence: After the fight against Dagan.

Databank (Beyond The Abyss): After the fight against Dagan, head out onto the balcony, turn left, follow the path around.

The tiny little Igneous Fissure is past the guarded gate in Riverbed Watch, and contains just 3 collectibles:

Databank (Caged Nekko): Wall run across from Igneous Fissure Meditation Point and follow path around.

Force Echo (Dark Waters): Wall run across from Igneous Fissure Meditation Point and continue to end of path, then look behind building.

Priorite Shard: Jump on caged Nekko, and then leap over to nearby ledge. Turn left at the top.

Devastated Settlement is the largest region in Stone Spires, and consists mainly of tiny pockets of land connected to one another via ziplines. Despite its relatively low landmass, it contains an amazing 40 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Harmony Switch): Climb up from Caij, and then fly off the platform and immediately glide to podium on the left.

Chest #2 (Hard Leather Weapon Materials): Dive underwater in pool next to Skoova Stev.

Chest #3 (Full Goatee and Mustache): Glide over to platform near Skoova Stev and head into cave on lower ledge. Slide down and wall run across to find chest.

Health Essence: In room next to Caij after beating Bounty Hunter (need to move orb down from ledge next to laser door, using Koboh Grinder).

Force Essence: Move orb back to original spot and burn away the dust blocking the nearby grapple point. Grapple up onto ledge.

Perk (Ambidexterity): From the area where you get the Koboh Grinder upgrade, aim the beam to the left and aim for the ledge where you find the BX and Battle Droids (below the Force Tear). Then, glide over and use the Koboh Grinder to burn away the dust within.

Perk (Precision): Ride the two vents up to next platform and head past the fighting raiders/creatures. Squeeze through gap on left and force pull crate down to block door ahead. Move orb between couplers to send ray through glass, and then use Koboh Grinder to remove the dust blocking path to the left of the beam. Jump up ledge to find perk.

Perk (Marksmanship): At the top of the platform as you exit the area, before you take the glider across.

Force Echo (An Instruction): In room next to Caij after beating Bounty Hunter.

Force Echo (Technological Deficit): Climb up from Caij, and then parkour up to right of laser door.

Force Echo (A Patient Master): Climb up from Meditation Point, and then jump across gap. Head into nearby chamber and kill BX droid, and then squeeze through gap. Pull crate down and hop up to find Force Echo.

Databank (Thermal Vent): Glide down from Meditation Point to next plaform and look up at air torrent.

Databank (Chamber Mural): Glide across from Meditation Point and use air boost to reach platform with battle droids. Turn right and look up to scan.

Force Echo (Idle Talk): Move orb back to original spot and burn away the dust blocking the nearby grapple point. Grapple up onto ledge.

Databank (Fallen Padawan): Glide down from Force Tear platform and enter room directly below, where BX and battle droids are.

Force Echo (The Seeds Of Concern): Return from the Koboh Grinder puzzle, ride the vents up to the next platform indicated by the game. Force Echo is to the left.

Force Echo (A World Away): Ride the two vents up to next platform and head past the fighting raiders/creatures. Squeeze through gap on left and force pull crate down to block door ahead. Move orb between couplers to send ray through glass, and then use Koboh Grinder to remove the dust blocking path to the left of the beam. Jump up ledge to find echo.

Databank (Central Manse): Up steps and turn left from Meditation Point, and then follow path around.

Databank (Training Courtyard): In the Tague boss fight arena, to the left upon entry.

Databank (Devastated Remains): Turn left after leaving Tague boss fight arena.

Force Echo (Dagan's Descent): Turn left after leaving Tague boss fight arena, and then head into room on right. Grab main objective item to trigger echo, unmissable.

Databank (Theses of Yaddle): After grabbing main objective, slice out of room using BD and then scan bookshelf ahead.

Force Echo (Cataclysm): Final room before leaving the Grand Courtyard building. Turn right before grappling up.

Force Tear (Fractured Punishment): Glide back towards the two air torrents, and turn left to fly towards higher ledge (where the high republic cube thing is). Force Tear is in cube.

Datadisc #1: Climb up from Caij, and then parkour up to right of laser door. Use Koboh Grinder (found later in same area) to burn away dust and grab datadisc from next to orb coupler.

Datadisc #2: Climb up from Meditation Point to BX droid chamber and place orb in coupler that slides across. Make it slide across to the left, and then use Koboh Grinder to burn away the dust holding a glint near where you entered.

Datadisc #3: Climp up from Meditation Point, hop across gap, and turn right. Follow path up to glider bird and then wall run and slide down to get datadisc (grabbed automatically as you slide down wall).

Datadisc #4: Glide down from Meditation Point to next plaform and grab datadisc from the edge.

Datadisc #5: Reach Droid Upgrade room, and then spray Koboh Dust from beam to the glint on the wall by the chest. When it connects, it'll burn away and drop the datadisc.

Datadisc #6: Leave Droid Upgrade room and move orb back to original spot. Use Koboh Grinder to spread dust between laser and the area where you originally fell down.

Datadisc #7: Glide down from Force Tear platform and enter room directly below, where BX and battle droids are.

Datadisc #8: Ride the two vents up to next platform and head past the fighting raiders/creatures. Squeeze through gap on left and force pull crate down to block door ahead. Then use the crate to jump up to where the crate was to find the datadisc on the floor.

Datadisc #9: Activate third vent and then ride it up and immediately turn left to reach Skoova Stev platform. Kill scavenger droid for datadisc.

Crimson Jelly Spire (Felucian Yellow): Climb up from Caij, and then fly off the platform and immediately glide to podium on the left.

Crimson Jelly Spire (Nabooan Green): Drop down ledge to left of Devastated Settlement Meditation Point.

Crimson Jelly Spire: Glide down from Meditation Point to next plaform and slash glowing plant.

2x Crimson Jelly Spire (Rare): Glide back towards the two air torrents, and turn left to fly towards higher ledge (where the high republic cube thing is). Slash plants at edge of platform.

Spine Fluff (Dathomirian Red): Slash glowing plant behind Skoova Stev.

Spine Fluff (Seed Pods): Slash glowing plant behind Skoova Stev.

Boiling Bluff is a small and fairly simple area that you can access only partially at first through Untamed Downs. As well as providing a sneaky across-the-map shortcut to an otherwise inaccessible area of Derelict Dam, Boiling Bluff contains 6 collectibles to find:

Force Echo (Turgle, Saved): As you enter Boiling Bluff, take the left path and you'll find the echo near the water.

Force Echo (The Wheel Turns): On ridge overlooking the Boiling Bluff Meditation Point.

Priorite Shard #1: Use Nekko super jump to get up the red rock face.

Priorite Shard #2: Nekko super jump up to the wall-climb section from the ground, then follow the path and slide down the final wall-jump section to automatically pick up the Priorite there.

2x Crimson Jelly Spire (Dathomirian Red): As you enter Boiling Bluff, take the left path to find 2 glowing plants.

Viscid Bog is a large and unfriendly expanse of tar which cordons off the Lucrehulk from the rest of Koboh. It's tricky to navigate, so it's a relief that there are only 13 collectibles to obtain:

Chest #1 (Drifter Jacket): Jump across rock from Wini Eres' house.

Chest #2 (Persistence Switch): Go up the elevator towards Gorge Crash Site, but jump out of the elevator partway up. Turn right for the chest.

Stim Canister: Guarded by the Mire Terror. Take the zipline from the Meditation Point, then Force Lift the three platforms in the bog and drop into the final circular platform.

Skill Point Essence: Go up the elevator towards Gorge Crash Site, but jump out of the elevator partway up. Glide far in front until you reach a grapple balloon within range. Use all the grapple points to reach the final ledge with the essence.

Force Echo (Risky Business): Take the first glider across the bog until you hit the platform with the fiery brazier on the left. The Force Echo is just beyond that.

Databank (Crashed Vulture Droid): Jump across rock from Wini Eres' house.

Databank (Hastily Abandoned Site): Jump across rock from Wini Eres' house, and then turn back and jump into the tunnel beneath the house.

Force Echo (Abominable Bogling): Take the zipline from the Meditation Point, then Force Lift the three platforms in the bog to reach the echo.

Force Echo (Sights Set): Go up the elevator towards Gorge Crash Site, but jump out of the elevator partway up. Use the balloons to reach the ledge with the echo.

Datadisc: From roof of Wini Eres's house, jump over to nearby rock platform and up the slope. Force Lift the stones at the edge of the top platform.

Crimson Jelly Spire (Alderaanian Blue): Take the first glider across the bog til you hit the platform with the fiery brazier thing on the left. Glowing plant is to the right of that.

Crimson Jelly Spire: To the right just in front of the Meditation Chamber entrance. Take the zipline from the Meditation Point, then jump over to the other zipline heading left. Go under the archway and grapple up, then follow the path.

Crimson Jelly Spire: Down the ledge from Wini's house.

The Loading Gantry is the initial segment of the Lucrehulk interior, accessible after bypassing Viscid Bog. It contains a total of 12 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Short Goatee Beard): In the loading gantry, after the first time you tell Bode to do a special action for you, look to the left after defeating the droids.

Chest #2 (Enforcer Barrel): Down the ramp from the grey forcefield. Hop into the area on the left and you'll find the chest next to the shortcut.

Chest #3 (Persistence Grip): To the right of slice-able door, jump up the wall and parkour around to find chest.

Chest #4 (Commander Material): Jump up wall to right of slice-able door and parkour around until you find the Persistence Grip chest. Then, hop through the open wall from that platform and parkour around further until you find the platform with four battle droids and another chest.

Chest #5 (Commander Jacket): From the Meditation Point room, shoot the electrical conduit above with a dart and grapple up to the ledge with the now-turned-off forcefield.

Databank (Sunken AAT): In the room immediately after squeezing through the gap from the Meditation Point.

Databank (Storage Tanks): Upstairs in the room immediately after squeezing through the gap from the Meditation Point.

Force Echo (Brave New World): After grappling up to a climbing section opposite the Short Goatee Beard chest, reach the top and then jump over to the nearby platform.

Force Echo (Brothers): Down the ledge from the Meditation Point. Only available after reaching the end of the main story.

Priorite Shard #1: On the ledge just above the Sunken AAT, look round the edge of the large storage drums for the Priorite.

Priorite Shard #2: Just underneath the ramp leading down from the Hangar Rafters Meditation Point.

Priorite Shard #3: Jump over the bog to the ship on the far side of the ground floor, then climb to the top of the crates.

Priorite Shard #4: To the left of the slice-able door just beyond the grey forcefield.

The Lucrehulk Core is another major section of the Lucrehulk past Viscid Bog, and contains 9 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Geonosian Photoreceptors): Force Lift and Force Slam the two platforms above and to the right of the Meditation Point to reach a small alcove with the chest.

Chest #2 (Persistence Pommel): Jump over to the platform with the four shielded turrets.

Skill Point Essence: Use Force Lift ability on door in shielded turret corridor.

Health Essence: Ride the massive turbo lift down after finding the Forward Control Tower Meditation Point.

Force Echo (The Origins Of Purpose): Just beyond the droidekas and after the cutscene where we see Zee.

Force Echo (Look On My Works): Follow the path with all the shielded ceiling turrets. Around the corner there's a body at the end.

Force Echo (A New Master): Down the stairs from the Meditation Point, turn right.

Priorite Shard #1: On a platform on the left side in the first shielded ceiling turret corridor.

Priorite Shard #2: Scav droid in the section with all the shielded ceiling turrets.

Yurt Barracks is the third of five regions within the Lucrehulk, and can prove tricky to navigate despite its size, due to its cramped conditions. There are 12 collectibles in this area:

Chest #1 (Enforcer Grip): Turn left as you enter barracks and cut through cords to enter red room. Jump up wall and leap onto nearby platform and then leap across to nearby platform to find chest.

Chest #2 (Geonosian Body): Turn right as you leap into second part of Yurt Barracks and air dash to reach chest on nearby platform.

Chest #3 (Enforcer Body): Go up to the location marked on the map, turn around, and shoot an Electro-Dart at conduit above you.

Skill Point Essence #1: Defeat The Massiff.

Skill Point Essence #2: From the top of the nearby vertical zipline, jump and dash across back into the room, and then jump over to the ledge on your left for the essence.

Skill Point Essence #3: After jumping down onto the area with the multiple enemies (including the Droideka), turn left around the corner of the first yurt and Force Lift the gate at the end of the path. Turn right in the next room to find the essence.

Force Echo (Location Is Everything): Take a right turn a few steps into the barracks.

Databank (Bedlam Raider Yurts): In the first yurt as you enter the barracks, opposite the Location is Everything Force Echo.

Force Echo (One Man's Junk): Turn left as you enter barracks and cut through cords to enter red room. Jump up wall and leap onto nearby platform and then leap back across to opposite platform to find echo.

Priorite Shard #1: Turn left as you enter barracks and cut through cords to enter red room. Jump up wall and leap onto nearby platform to find shard.

Priorite Shard #2: Climb up to top level of Yurt Barracks by going through red room, and then enter the first yurt on walkways to find priorite shard after battling two raiders.

Priorite Shard #3: Reach second room of Yurt Barracks and turn right to find small corridor within. Leap across to platform, and then turn back and leap across again to reach priorite shard.

The Generator Underbelly is found in the lower section of the Lucrehulk, and you'll breeze through it fairly quickly, making it easy to pick up the 7 collectibles on the way:

Ability (Slice BX Droids): Use the three moveable wall-runs, then reach the upper level via the elevator and Force Lift the two nearest wall-runs up (you have to go through the electric room nearby to Force Lift the middle wall-run first), and reach the upper platform on the other side.

Force Essence: Climb all the way up the vertical jumping wall above the platform that you can pull up, and then follow the wall-run path.

Databank (Landing Hydraulics): Head to next ledge after Meditation Point, and turn right. Scan the landing leg.

Force Echo (A Droid Reborn): Follow the main path until you're in the room with the crates in the centre and droids behind and to the right. Look behind the droids that were behind the crates.

Databank (Power Generator): In the upper levels of the Generator Underbelly, where you fight Hytho Pixx.

Priorite Shard #1: Opposite the platform of enemies that you can pull down with Force Slam, get past the two moveable wall grab sections.

Priorite Shard #2: Turn left after the three moveable wall-runs, and jump the gap.

The Forward Control Tower is located at the very top of the Lucrehulk, and within such a small area there is only room to hide 5 collectibles:

Chest (Center Part Hair): Pass through door near Meditation Point and air-dash across the turbo lift (don't trigger it or you'll be stuck heading down the lift for ages!) and enter other side to find the chest.

Health Essence: After second fight with Dagan.

Force Echo (Emergency Landing): At the control panel left from where you drop down the hole in front of the Meditation Point.

Databank (Escape Pod): Head up corridor from Meditation Point and scan the right-most escape pod.

Priorite Shard: After the cutscene with Rayvis and Dagan, auto-collected on the wall-running section.

Foothill Falls are accessible from the top of Rambler's Reach Outpost, and lead directly into Prospector's Folly. You won't get far initially, but later on the main story will take you through this whole super-region, giving you ample opportunity to collect the 12 collectibles in Foothill Falls:

Chest #1 (Slicked Back Hair): Zipline up to Prospector's Folly and immediately turn right to find chest behind building.

Chest #2 (Patience Pommel): Dive underwater in pool next to Skoova Stev.

Chest #3 (Droid Paint weapon materials): This chest requires you to Force Lift and then Force Slam it. Fly across to shack and get nekko from pool. Super jump up behind shack, then grapple to the balloon and launch yourself to the top platform.

Stim Canister: Fly across to shack and get nekko from pool. Super jump up behind shack, wall run around, get roller mine and launch it through roof to destroy wall.

Databank (Cargo Elevator): Turn right from Skoova Stev.

Databank (Child's Hideaway): Fly across to abandoned shack, and then turn left and follow path towards pool.

Force Echo (A Curious Pair): Across the first zipline and down the ledge, on the edge of the water and the cliff.

Databank (Prospecting Network): Fly across to shack and get nekko from pool. Super jump up behind shack, then grapple to the balloon and launch yourself to the top platform.

Priorite Shard #1: Found in the area of plants on the cliff edge just past the pool of water.

Priorite Shard #2: Fly across to abandoned shack, and then turn left and follow path towards pool. Wall run up to ledge.

Koboh Spiker (Nabooan Green): Glide across to the nearby ledge with the house, then go round the left side of the house and look at the cliff wall for the plant.

Koboh Spiker: Found on the cliff edge on the side with the shack.

Mountain Ascent is the next major section of Prospector's Folly, and contains 18 collectibles within its slopes and crevices:

Chest #1 (Mustache and Patch): In the shiverpede nest to the left after parkouring across the lake past the forcefield.

Chest #2 (Drifter Material): This chest requires you to Force Lift and then Force Slam it. Just outside the shiverpede nest, in the lower section with the crashed TIE Fighter.

Chest #3 (Scrapyard Audio Sensors): This chest requires you to Force Lift and then Force Slam it. Parkour section next to the large wheel that controls the door.

Chest #4 (Light Mustache And Patch): Underwater in the lake past the forcefield.

Chest #5 (Bomber material): Past the forcefield, jump off to the lower ledge and look to the left of the waterfall for a piece of dry ground with a chest.

Ability (Slice Security Droid): Take path right from Mountain Ascent Meditation Point and mind trick the stormtrooper to open the laser gate. Slice the nearby terminal for the ability.

Force Echo (Braving the Heights): Take path left from the Mountain Ascent Meditation Point.

Force Echo (Crashed Tie Fighter): Just outside the shiverpede nest, in the lower section with the crashed TIE Fighter.

Force Echo (Grock Departed): Turn left just after going through the forcefield just after the Meditation Point.

Priorite Shard #1: Take path left from the Mountain Ascent Meditation Point and hop across gap to go through waterfall.

Priorite Shard #2: Lift up the patch of stones in the corner of the flooded area where the two Bilemaws are, just past the wheel-controlled gate.

Priorite Shard #3: Grapple up to the nearby ledge in the flooded area where the two Bilemaws are, just past the wheel-controlled gate.

Priorite Shard #4: By the skeleton in the small cave above the lake.

Koboh Spiker (Felucian Yellow): Take path left from the Mountain Ascent Meditation Point and hop across gap to go through waterfall.

Koboh Spiker: On the left edge of the arena with the two Bilemaws.

Koboh Spiker (Rare): On top of the green forcefield, turn right after the big tree on the upper levels.

Koboh Spiker: Past the forcefield, jump off to the lower ledge and look to the left of the waterfall for a piece of dry ground with the Bomber material chest. To the right is a plant to cut.

Marl Cavern is a very small section adjoining the Fogged Expanse (below), and contains just 4 collectibles to find:

Health Essence: After wall running across the cavern, turn around and jump through the hanging stoage area. Can see it from the Force Tear location.

Databank (Storage Tanks): Black container to your left as you enter the area.

Force Tear (Fractured Power): After first parkour section in Marl Cavern, grapple to the balloon thing and past it onto the ledge.

Priorite Shard: Drop down from the ledge immediately at the start of Marl Cavern.

Fogged Expanse is a large and tricky region deep in Prospector's Folly, with lots of winding paths to explore. It contains a total of 24 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Soul Patch beard): Follow the left path from the Meditation point down past the wall running bit, follow the path to the left but turn right at the Mogu door and check behind the Roller Mines.

Chest #2 (Detachment Pommel): Open door with mogu behind it and follow it around to an area where you can jump over a wall running platform to a ledge. Jump over it and look behind you to find the barrel. Shortcut rope from the Fogged Expanse Meditation Point also leads right to it.

Chest #3 (Exile jacket): Follow the left path from the Meditation Point, past the Bramliks. Chest is on the edge of a cliff.

Perk (Fortitude): Behind the Vile Bilemaw, accessible once you defeat it.

Skill Point Essence: Use the moving wall-run section to get across from the Meditation Point, and then run back across it and immediately dash left to reach the nearby ledge. From there, look left, slightly behind you, to see the ledge with the essence. Dash to get there.

Force Echo (A Deadly Encounter): Pull open the big double doors on the left at one point after a wall-running section, and a Mogu will attack you. Behind the Mogu is a Force Echo.

Force Echo (Forging Forward Alone): Use the moving wall-run section to get across from the Meditation Point, and then run back across it and immediately dash left to reach the nearby ledge. Jump over to the next platform and scan the Force Echo.

Priorite Shard #1: Take a left when the Mogu attacks you, and lift the stone pile at the end.

Priorite Shard #2: Continue on past the double doors with the Mogu behind, and look behind the rock past the elevator.

Priorite Shard #3: Kill the Scavenger Droid which runs past the Security Droid on the cliff edge, a short time after getting the Electro-Dart.

Priorite Shard #4: Follow the left path from the Meditation Point, past the Bramliks. Turn right at the cliff edge and jump the gap. Inspect the skeleton on the ground for the Priorite.

Priorite Shard #5: Once you reach the platform with the zipline that leads back to the Meditation Point, wall-run across to the next ledge, then turn left and grapple onto the balloon and launch yourself onto the nearby platform.

Priorite Shard #6: Use the moving wall-run section to get across from the Meditation Point, and then run back across it and immediately dash left to reach the nearby ledge. From there, look left, slightly behind you, to see the ledge with the priorite. Dash to get there, and Force Lift the stones on the ground.

Priorite Shard #7: After pushing the wall-run section to get across to the ledge, use the balloon and launch yourself back where you came, onto the higher ledge with the Priorite.

Koboh Spiker (Alderaanian Blue): Near the mogu door, just before the Soul Patch beard chest.

4x Koboh Spiker: Take the lift after the Vile Bilemaw fight.

3x Koboh Spiker: Once you reach the platform with the zipline that leads back to the Meditation Point, wall-run across to the next ledge, then turn left and grapple onto the balloon and launch yourself onto the nearby platform.

Prospector's Folly culminates with Imperial Post 8L-055, a sizeable Empire-controlled region that nonetheless only contains 4 collectibles:

Chest #1 (Textured Rubber weapon materials): Drop down to the lower ledge from the Meditation Point, and follow the path round. Shoot Electro-Dart at the conduit behind you to open the chest.

Chest #2 (RSKF-44 Barrel): Drop down on a red platform just after the Rick, the Door Technician fight and cross the gap.

Databank (Abandoned Prospector Equipment): Just after zipline, fight the two Stormtroopers and it's ahead on your right.

Databank (Docking Clamp Overrides): Follow the grate around to the protruding area on the left that has a computer terminal

Summit Ridge, located high above Prospector's Folly, is little more than a short path that takes you up into the Mountain Observatory. Nonetheless, it contains 8 collectibles to keep an eye out for:

Skill Point Essence: Use the Grapple balloon spawner and throw it behind you to reach the higher ledge. Then wall-run to continue along the upper path until you reach the essence.

Databank (High-Altitude Research): Jump off the platform and scan the balloons that you can lift

Force Echo (Journey's End): Next to Meditation Point.

Priorite Shard: Next to Meditation Point.

Datadisc: Use the second grapple balloon spawner to launch yourself onto the solitary platform to your right. Force Lift the stones on the ground once you've climbed up.

Koboh Spiker (Dathomirian Red): Just after grappling the balloon and launching yourself to the next ledge. Look to the left for the plant to cut.

Koboh Spiker: Drop down onto the ledge with the grapple balloon spawner, and slash the plant on your left.

Koboh Spiker: Use the grapple balloon spawner and throw it in front of you to reach the higher ledge. Slash the plant on your left.

The Observatory Understructure is accessible through Summit Ridge, and contains 6 collectibles:

Chest (Showdown Grip): Go through the Force Lift door next to the elevator, turn right, then go through the next door and step down onto the ledge below. Then drop off the side and dash over to the hidden ledge beneath with the chest.

Stim Canister: After the Forfeit Your Lives Force Echo, climb up until you see a gap you can squeeze through into a room with a balloon grapple point spawner. Throw it out through the window, then use it to reach the ledge above where you're standing.

Force Echo (Forfeit Your Lives): After Bode's ship takes out the three droids, climb up to the next ledge and turn left. Force Echo is at the edge.

Datadisc #1: Climb up the outside path around the Meditation Point room, datadisc is at the end.

Datadisc #2: Kill the Scavenger droid on the left path after the two droidekas.

The Diagnostics Corridor is a small region within the Mountain Observatory, containing a total of 5 collectibles:

Force Essence: After going through the multi-stage area of enemies, throw a balloon grapple point out of the window once you reach the locked door, then grapple round and back in through the green forcefield. After going through the forcefield, immediately jump and dash again to reach the upper ledge.

Perk (Perplexity): Take the elevator down from the Grand Oculus after the fight with Dagan.

Force Echo (Merciless Rampage): After meeting up with Bode again, use BD to spawn a new balloon grapple point and enter the Diagnostics Corridor. Turn right on entrance to see the Force Echo.

Datadisc: After going through the multi-stage area of enemies, throw a balloon grapple point out of the window once you reach the locked door, then grapple round and back in through the green forcefield. Datadisc is on a crate in front of you as you enter.

If you've reached the Observation Deck, you're nearing the summit of the Mountain Observatory. This Deck contains just 2 collectibles:

Health Essence: After defeating the dual bosses, Mads Gresh and San Dersen.

Databank (Grand Oculus): Just off the ledge after all the B1 droids.

The Chamber Of Fortitude is down the elevator at the end of Corroded Silo way back in Rambler's Reach. To learn more about how to solve the puzzle inside, check out our Jedi: Survivor Chamber Of Fortitude guide. It contains just 5 collectibles:

Chest (Two-tone metal BD-1 materials): First room of the Meditation Chamber.

Perk (Persistence): Second room of Meditation Chamber.

Force Echo (A World Of Wonder): First room of the Meditation Chamber.

Force Echo (Hand In Hand): Second room of Meditation Chamber.

Datadisc: In first room of the Meditation Chamber, in one of the pots to the right of the yellow-lit broken wall.

The Chamber Of Duality is where you first find Zee, and as such it is the only Chamber on Koboh that forms part of the main story. To learn more about it, check out our Jedi: Survivor Chamber Of Duality guide. Accessible from the Smuggler's Tunnels beneath Pyloon's Saloon, this chamber contains 4 collectibles:

Chest (Jedi Paint weapon materials): In the room where Zee is found, after dropping down from across the 2-orb path.

Perk (Resilience): Free Zee, she'll give it to you.

Databank (Disaster): After climbing the wall jump section, scan wall in next corridor.

Datadisc: In the room where Zee is found, on the other side of the barred gate.

Accessible from an elevator in the Untamed Downs, the Chamber Of Clarity contains a sizeable 7 collectibles, mostly Databank entries. To learn more, check out our Jedi: Survivor Chamber Of Clarity guide, but for just the collectibles, here's where to go:

Chest (Unique Non-Metal Weapon Materials): Pull first crate and parkour around to Force Echo. Then, continue around and traverse the next two crates to find chest.

Perk (Fellowship): Force push door open, use crate to jump through, and then force push crate down back into main chamber. Then, force pull bar down from ceiling of main chamber, and use to hop onto crate and jump over to the perk bit.

Force Echo (Tenacity): Enter Chamber and look down and left. Force Pull crate out of wall, and then hop into gap and parkour up to find runes on the wall.

Force Echo (Trials): Head back to main corridor and pull second crate out. Then, pull it back the way it came, but jump onto vines and ride it through. Once there, head into next chamber, force pull crate, and look behind for Force Echo.

Force Echo (Concerted Effort): Head back to main corridor and pull second crate out. Then, pull it back the way it came, but jump onto vines and ride it through. Once there, head into next chamber, force pull crate, climb on top, and jump onto ledge on the left.

Force Echo (A Candid Moment): Pull crate out and jump onto ledge on left, and then follow path around and force push door across the gap. Then, use crate to leap over to open doorway to find more runes.

Datadisc: Enter chamber and look down and left. Force pull crate out of wall, and then hop into gap. Drop down ledge to get datadisc, before wall-running.

The Chamber Of Reason is in Basalt Forest, and can only be reached via the elevator in Basalt Rift. For help on completing the puzzle within, check out our Jedi: Survivor Chamber Of Reason guide. It contains 8 collectibles:

Chest (Diligence Emitter): From Perk area, use lever to open path back to entrance. Climb down rope and squeeze through gap and move orb coupler to the other side. Then, go back up to top level and follow the ledge around until you can force pull orb up to top level, using the second orb at the elevator to open path around. Grab orb from lower level, and then head to bridge and sling it over the wall to reach the chest.

Perk (Dexterity): Grab Orb Coupler while on mid level bridge, and then take it up elevator. Sling it across gap to land it in another orb coupler, and then take bridge across and interact with structure to get perk.

Force Echo (The Goals of Khri): In Basalt Rift High Republic structure (follow rumor on map), take lift into chamber and then climb down rope. Halfway down, swing to ledge and squeeze through gap in the wall.

Force Echo (Talk of the Future): Slide to bottom of rope and move orb into the power slot. Use the force to push the lever so that the orb moves to the left side, and then cross the bridge to find the Force Echo.

Force Echo (In Good Time): Squeeze through wall gap, and place orb in the orb coupler. Move it to the right side using the lever, then cross the bridge and go up the elevator. At the top, jump across the chasm to the nearby platform, and then parkour up to the nearby ledge. Force Echo is in the corner.

Databank (A Secret Meeting): Take the elevator up and leap across the chasm, then parkour up to the ledge. Follow the path and hug the right wall to scan a small drawing on the wall.

Force Echo (Dead End): On the second level, look down and force pull orb from lower level while walking along bridge. Place it in coupler on the nearby elevator and then take path across to grab Force Echo.

Datadisc: Take the elevator up and leap across the chasm, then parkour up to the ledge. Follow the path to the end and grab Datadisc from the ledge.

The Chamber Of Detachment is a tricky chamber to find - the elevator is on the bottom level of Mountain Ascent, behind the waterfall. For more information check out our Jedi: Survivor Chamber Of Detachment guide. This small but confusing chamber contains 6 collectibles:

Chest (Jedi Paint BD-1 materials): Spray Koboh matter onto the cube as it passes through the beam to burn away the Koboh matter on the side of the room you begin on. Then pull out the second cube and open the chest behind it.

Perk (Patience): Set both cubes going so that the one nearest the entrance stops on the pressure plate. Then send the second cube to the other side, so it's on top of the elevator. Finally, pull the first cube back off the pressure plate, and immediately jump atop the second cube before the elevator lifts. You'll be lifted up high enough to reach the area with the essence.

Force Echo (A Rare Find): As you enter the chamber, just to the left.

Force Echo (Missing in Action): Main room of chamber, to the right.

Force Echo (Worlds Away): Main room of chamber, back right.

Datadisc: Burn away the Koboh matter on the wall above and to the right of where the beam hits, and a datadisc will drop to the floor.

The Chamber Of Connection is one of the best-guarded secrets of the Viscid Bog, and only reachable via some nifty zipline-work within the bog. To be exact, you need to reach the Viscid Bog Meditation Point, take the zipline from there, then jump off partway along and onto the perpendicular zipline crossing the first. From there you can reach the Jedi: Survivor Chamber Of Connection puzzle, which houses 7 collectibles in total:

Chest (Persistence Emitter): Use the beam to destroy the third wall of Koboh matter on the right-hand side of the chamber as you enter.

Perk (Recuperation): In the final room, behind the fourth wall of Koboh matter. Must create a trail of Koboh matter up the side-passage, take the orb and put it into the other socket to create a path, then continue the Koboh matter trail across the path and onto the final wall.

Force Echo (Homesick): Turn left as you enter the chamber and head through the archway.

Force Echo (Insolence, Or Bravery): Use the beam to destroy the first two walls of Koboh matter and follow the pole path across.

Force Echo (Mind Challenge): Use the beam to destroy the first two walls of Koboh matter and follow the pole path across. Jump down onto the ledge with the door and listen to the Force Echo in the middle of the platform.

Force Echo (Private Doubts): In the back-left corner of the final Perk room.

Datadisc: Destroy the first wall of Koboh matter and use the wall-run by the stairs to get to the upper ledge.

Looking for a certain collectible location on Koboh in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor? Chest #1 (Scrapyard photoreceptors): Chest #2 (Short Beard): Skill Point Essence: Force Echo (Broken Dredging Machine): Databank (Broken Mining Droid): Databank (Crushed Prospector): Databank (Koboh Tar): Force Tear (Fractured Burden): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Fire Pineapple: Cactus Ball (Nabooan Green): Cactus Ball: Fire Pineapple (Nabooan Green): Chest #1 (Scrapyard Body): Chest #2 (Light Metals weapon materials): Chest #3 (Anodized Metal BD-1 materials): Chest #4 (Tactical jacket): Chest #5 (Mullet hair): Chest #6 (Scrapyard head): Chest #7 (Two-tone metal weapon materials): Stim Canister: Skill Point Essence #1: Health Essence: Force Essence: Upgrade Essence #2: New Perk Slot: Force Echo (Murdered Prospector): Force Echo (Drowned Prospector): Databank (Destroyed Dam): Databank (Gorocco Nest): Databank (Dam Flow Pipes): Databank (Crumbling Dam Wall): Databank (Dead Bedlam Raider): Force Echo (A Desperate Escape): Databank (Creature Bones): Databank (Abandoned Encampment): Force Echo (The Dredger Run): Force Tear (Fractured Agility): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Priorite Shard #3: Priorite Shard #4: Priorite Shard #5: Priorite Shard #6: Priorite Shard #7: Priorite Shard #8: Priorite Shard #9: Priorite Shard #10: Cactus Ball (Felucian Yellow): Cactus Ball: Fire Pineapple (Felucian Yellow): Cactus Ball: Cactus Ball: Fire Pineapple: 3x Fire Pineapple (Rare): Cactus Ball: Fire Pineapple (Alderaanian Blue): 3x Fire Pineapple (Dathomirian Red): Chest #1 (Hunter lightsaber): Chest #2 (Warm Metal weapon materials): Chest #3 (Goatee beard): Skill Point Essence: Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: 5x Cactus Ball (Rare): Chest #1 (Full Beard): Chest #2 (Kashyyyk Paint weapon materials): Chest #3 (Quickdraw Blaster): Skill Point Essence: Force Echo (Besotted): Databank (Unusual Silo): Force Echo (Doma, Unbowed): Priorite Shard #1: Datadisc: Priorite Shard #2: Priorite Shard #3: Priorite Shard #4: Priorite Shard #5: Priorite Shard #6: Bluebell Squish (Nabooan Green): Cactus Ball: Cactus Ball (Alderaanian Blue): Tuber Maw (Alderaanian Blue): Tuber Maw (Nabooan Green): 6x Tuber Maw (Rare): 2x Tuber Maw: Tuber Maw: Tuber Maw (Felucian Yellow): Spine Fluff: Spine Fluff: Bluebell Squish: Bluebell Squish: Tuber Maw: Spine Fluff (Rare): 2x Chest (Coated Metal weapon/BD-1 materials): Health Essence: Databank (Damage Assessment): Databank (Abandoned Water Filtration System): Priorite Shard: Chest #1 (Goatee and Mustache): Chest #2 (Bumpy Rubber weapon material): Chest #3 (Arakyd Heavy body): Databank (Curiosity Sours): Databank (New Acquisitions): Force Echo (Whispered Words): Chest #1 (Scrapper hair): Chest #2 (Edgehawk Switch): Chest #3 (Edgehawk Grip): Chest #4 (Edgehawk Emitter): Databank (Leaking Water Storage): Force Echo (Lawful Good): Chest (Bun hair): Health Essence: Databank (Warlord's Standard): Force Echo (Battle Droid Blues): Force Echo (A Brokered Alliance): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Tuber Maw (Dathomirian Red): Spine Fluff (Alderaanian Blue): 2x Spine Fluff: Chest #1 (Hunter Jacket): Chest #2 (Bomber Jacket): Chest #3 (Light Metals BD-1 materials): Force Essence: Skill Point Essence: Force Echo (Free Sample): Databank (The Wise Hunters): Force Echo (A Task Too Far): Databank (A New Beginning): Databank (A Gift Revoked): Databank (A Mechanical Touch): Databank (The Koboh Emergence): Force Echo (An Honest Appraisal): Priorite Shard: Datadisc: Cactus Ball (Dathomirian Red): Pine Fern: Cactus Ball: 3x Pine Fern (Rare): Chest (Scrapyard legs): New Perk (Shatter): Force Echo (Dead Researcher): Databank (Dead Gorgers): Databank (Massive Ribcage): Force Echo (Prospector Remains): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Chest #1 (Bomber material): Ability (Slice Magnaguard): Ability (Chests on Holomap): Chest #2 (Duelist Grip): Chest #3 (Duelist Pommel): Chest #4 (Duelist Switch): Chest #5 (Duelist Emitter): Skill Point Essence #1: Skill Point Essence #2: Skill Point Essence #3: Force Echo (Makeshift Grave): Force Echo (Abandoned Corpse): Databank (Cavern Fungus): Force Echo (A Gen'dai Plots): Databank (Raider Depot): Databank (Rancor Prey): Force Echo (A Cave Too Far): Databank (Dead Jedi): Force Echo (A Fallen Knight): Force Echo (Rayvis's Search): Databank (Republic Control Room): Force Echo (Scientific Frisson): Force Echo (As Above, So Below): Databank (Cave Turbolift Network): Datadisc #1: Datadisc #2: Datadisc #3: Datadisc #4: Datadisc #5: Datadisc #6: Chest #1 (Arakyd Heavy Barrel): Chest #2 (Tactical Shirt): Chest #3 (Rebel Paint BD-1 materials): Chest #4 (Bomber Pants): Chest #5 (Edgehawk Pommel): Chest #6 (Unique Metal BD-1 materials): Chest #7 (Duelist material): Chest #8 (Swoop blaster): Stim Canister: Ability: (Show plants on map): Skill Point Essence #1: Skill Point Essence #2: Force Echo (The First Move): Databank (Obsession): Databank (Forever Curious): Force Echo (Soont Madas): Databank (Turgle's Shiny Shell): Databank (Relter Egg): Databank (List of Grievances): Force Echo (Mistakes): Force Echo (Leash): Force Echo (Disguises): Force Tear (Fractured History): Force Tear (Fractured Duality): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Priorite Shard #3: Priorite Shard #4: Priorite Shard #5: Priorite Shard #6: Datadisc #1: Datadisc #2: Bluebell Squish (Felucian Yellow): Pine Fern: Pine Fern (Dathomirian Red): Pine Fern: Pine Fern: Pine Fern: Pine Fern (Nabooan Green): Pine Fern (Felucian Yellow): Bluebell Squish: Spine Fluff: Chest #1 (Scrapper Outfit): Chest #2 (Eerin Siinaa music track): Databank (Hallikset): Force Echo (Angles): Databank (Moran's Possessions): Priorite Shard: Chest (Tactical material): Skill Point Essence: New Perk Slot: Databank (No Way Out): Databank (List Of Grievances): Databank (Jailbreak Inventory): Force Echo (Death In The Dark): Databank (One Last Victory): Force Tear (Fractured Momentum): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Priorite Shard #3: Priorite Shard #4: Datadisc: Chest #1 (Wanderer Pants): Chest #2 (Shortpaw's Dance music track): New Perk Slot: Force Echo (Home On The Range): Priorite Shard: Palm Fruit Shell (Felucian Yellow): Bluebell Squish: Palm Fruit Shell: Palm Fruit Shell: Bluebell Squish: Palm Fruit Shell: Palm Fruit Shell (Alderaanian Blue): Palm Fruit Shell: Palm Fruit Shell: 5x Palm Fruit Shell (inc. Rare): Bluebell Squish: Palm Fruit Shell (Dathomirian Red): Palm Fruit Shell: Palm Fruit Shell: Datadisc: Chest #1 (Bomber Shirt): Chest #2 (Poncho Outfit): Chest #3 (Mountaineer material): Skill Point Essence: Databank (Past Signs of Life): Databank (Bandit Camp): Force Echo (Victorious Surrender): Databank (A House Divided): Force Echo (Internal Affairs): Priorite Shard: Goldenlight Moss (Rare): Goldenlight Moss: Goldenlight Moss: Chest #1 (Santari Khri lightsaber): Chest #2 (Geonosian Audio Sensors): Chest #3 (Arakyd Heavy Grip): Chest #4 (Hunter Material): Chest #5 (Mountaineer Jacket): Chest #6 (Swooper Legs): Skill Point Essence #1: Skill Point Essence #2: Force Echo (Breaking, Not Entering): Force Echo (A Small Mercy): Databank (An Ecological Study): Force Echo (Technological Betrayal): Force Echo (Shelter of Last Resort): Databank (Mogu Den): Databank (The Deep Caverns): Databank (Gift Of Fire): Databank (The Truth): Databank (Bilemaw Burrow): Databank (Warning Sign): Force Echo (The Feeding Grounds): Force Echo (The Ties That Bind): Force Echo (Turgle Makes a Deal): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Priorite Shard #3: Priorite Shard #4: Priorite Shard #5: Priorite Shard #6: Palm Fruit Shell (Nabooan Green): Spine Fluff: Bluebell Squish: Chest (Harmony Pommel): Ability (Show Essences on map): Force Echo (Patience): Datadisc: Chest #1 (Tactical Pants): Chest #2 (Tactical Material): Health Essence: Force Tear (Fractured Resolve): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Priorite Shard #3: Goldenlight Moss (Nabooan Green): Spine Fluff (Felucian Yellow): Goldenlight Moss: Spine Fluff: Goldenlight Moss: Goldenlight Moss: Spine Fluff: Chest #1 (Geonosian Head): Chest #2 (Choppy Forward Hair): Chest #3 (Wanderer Jacket): Chest #4 (Geonosian Legs): Skill Point Essence: Databank (Ancient Architecture): Databank (Digger Crawler): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Priorite Shard #3: Priorite Shard #4: Priorite Shard #5: Spine Fluff (Nabooan Green): Bluebell Squish (Dathomirian Red): Bluebell Squish: Chest #1 (Hunter Pants): Chest #2 (Crew Cut Hair): Chest #3 (Diligence Pommel): Chest #4 (Hunter material): Stim Canister: Databank (Basalt Pillars): Databank (Drop Pod): Databank (Same Story, Different Planet): Databank (Bilemaw's Revenge): Databank (Risk and Research): Databank (The Short Straw): Databank (Bilemaw Pools): Databank (Koboh Dust): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Priorite Shard #3 (Scav Droid): Datadisc #1: Datadisc #2: Goldenlight Moss (Dathomirian Red): Goldenlight Moss: Goldenlight Moss (Felucian Yellow): Goldenlight Moss Seed Pods: Chest (Swooper Body): Databank (Nekko Scratches): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Bluebell Squish (Alderaanian Blue): Bluebell Squish: Chest (Tactical Material): Ability (Confusion, Major Fauna): Goldenlight Moss: Chest (Kashyyyk Paint BD-1 materials): Datadisc: Chest #1 (Hunter Shirt): Chest #2 (Light Mustache Beard): Chest #3 (Diligence Switch): Chest #4 (Swooper Head): Chest #5 (Hunter Material): Chest #6 (Diligence Grip): Skill Point Essence: Perk (Fortification): Databank (Koboh Barrier): Databank (Epic Moltings): Databank (Auxiliary Array Telescope): Databank (Orb Amplifier): Databank (Central Rotational Apparatus): Databank (Indomitable): Datadisc #1: Datadisc #2: Datadisc #3: Datadisc #4: Datadisc #5: Datadisc #6: Datadisc #7: Datadisc #8: Datadisc #9: Datadisc #10: Goldenlight Moss (Alderaanian Blue): Health Essence: Databank (Beyond The Abyss): Databank (Caged Nekko): Force Echo (Dark Waters): Priorite Shard: Chest #1 (Harmony Switch): Chest #2 (Hard Leather Weapon Materials): Chest #3 (Full Goatee and Mustache): Health Essence: Force Essence: Perk (Ambidexterity): Perk (Precision): Perk (Marksmanship): Force Echo (An Instruction): Force Echo (Technological Deficit): Force Echo (A Patient Master): Databank (Thermal Vent): Databank (Chamber Mural): Force Echo (Idle Talk): Databank (Fallen Padawan): Force Echo (The Seeds Of Concern): Force Echo (A World Away): Databank (Central Manse): Databank (Training Courtyard): Databank (Devastated Remains): Force Echo (Dagan's Descent): Databank (Theses of Yaddle): Force Echo (Cataclysm): Force Tear (Fractured Punishment): Datadisc #1: Datadisc #2: Datadisc #3: Datadisc #4: Datadisc #5: Datadisc #6: Datadisc #7: Datadisc #8: Datadisc #9: Crimson Jelly Spire (Felucian Yellow): Crimson Jelly Spire (Nabooan Green): Crimson Jelly Spire: 2x Crimson Jelly Spire (Rare): Spine Fluff (Dathomirian Red): Spine Fluff (Seed Pods): Force Echo (Turgle, Saved): Force Echo (The Wheel Turns): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: 2x Crimson Jelly Spire (Dathomirian Red): Chest #1 (Drifter Jacket): Chest #2 (Persistence Switch): Stim Canister: Skill Point Essence: Force Echo (Risky Business): Databank (Crashed Vulture Droid): Databank (Hastily Abandoned Site): Force Echo (Abominable Bogling): Force Echo (Sights Set): Datadisc: Crimson Jelly Spire (Alderaanian Blue): Crimson Jelly Spire: Crimson Jelly Spire: Chest #1 (Short Goatee Beard): Chest #2 (Enforcer Barrel): Chest #3 (Persistence Grip): Chest #4 (Commander Material): Chest #5 (Commander Jacket): Databank (Sunken AAT): Databank (Storage Tanks): Force Echo (Brave New World): Force Echo (Brothers): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Priorite Shard #3: Priorite Shard #4: Chest #1 (Geonosian Photoreceptors): Chest #2 (Persistence Pommel): Skill Point Essence: Health Essence: Force Echo (The Origins Of Purpose): Force Echo (Look On My Works): Force Echo (A New Master): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Chest #1 (Enforcer Grip): Chest #2 (Geonosian Body): Chest #3 (Enforcer Body): Skill Point Essence #1: Skill Point Essence #2: Skill Point Essence #3: Force Echo (Location Is Everything): Databank (Bedlam Raider Yurts): Force Echo (One Man's Junk): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Priorite Shard #3: Ability (Slice BX Droids): Force Essence: Databank (Landing Hydraulics): Force Echo (A Droid Reborn): Databank (Power Generator): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Chest (Center Part Hair): Health Essence: Force Echo (Emergency Landing): Databank (Escape Pod): Priorite Shard: Chest #1 (Slicked Back Hair): Chest #2 (Patience Pommel): Chest #3 (Droid Paint weapon materials): Stim Canister: Databank (Cargo Elevator): Databank (Child's Hideaway): Force Echo (A Curious Pair): Databank (Prospecting Network): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Koboh Spiker (Nabooan Green): Koboh Spiker: Chest #1 (Mustache and Patch): Chest #2 (Drifter Material): Chest #3 (Scrapyard Audio Sensors): Chest #4 (Light Mustache And Patch): Chest #5 (Bomber material): Ability (Slice Security Droid): Force Echo (Braving the Heights): Force Echo (Crashed Tie Fighter): Force Echo (Grock Departed): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Priorite Shard #3: Priorite Shard #4: Koboh Spiker (Felucian Yellow): Koboh Spiker: Koboh Spiker (Rare): Koboh Spiker: Health Essence: Databank (Storage Tanks): Force Tear (Fractured Power): Priorite Shard: Chest #1 (Soul Patch beard): Chest #2 (Detachment Pommel): Chest #3 (Exile jacket): Perk (Fortitude): Skill Point Essence: Force Echo (A Deadly Encounter): Force Echo (Forging Forward Alone): Priorite Shard #1: Priorite Shard #2: Priorite Shard #3: Priorite Shard #4: Priorite Shard #5: Priorite Shard #6: Priorite Shard #7: Koboh Spiker (Alderaanian Blue): 4x Koboh Spiker: 3x Koboh Spiker: Chest #1 (Textured Rubber weapon materials): Chest #2 (RSKF-44 Barrel): Databank (Abandoned Prospector Equipment): Databank (Docking Clamp Overrides): Skill Point Essence: Databank (High-Altitude Research): Force Echo (Journey's End): Priorite Shard: Datadisc: Koboh Spiker (Dathomirian Red): Koboh Spiker: Koboh Spiker: Chest (Showdown Grip): Stim Canister: Force Echo (Forfeit Your Lives): Datadisc #1: Datadisc #2: Force Essence: Perk (Perplexity): Force Echo (Merciless Rampage): Datadisc: Health Essence: Databank (Grand Oculus): Chest (Two-tone metal BD-1 materials): Perk (Persistence): Force Echo (A World Of Wonder): Force Echo (Hand In Hand): Datadisc: Chest (Jedi Paint weapon materials): Perk (Resilience): Databank (Disaster): Datadisc: Chest (Unique Non-Metal Weapon Materials): Perk (Fellowship): Force Echo (Tenacity): Force Echo (Trials): Force Echo (Concerted Effort): Force Echo (A Candid Moment): Datadisc: Chest (Diligence Emitter): Perk (Dexterity): Force Echo (The Goals of Khri): Force Echo (Talk of the Future): Force Echo (In Good Time): Databank (A Secret Meeting): Force Echo (Dead End): Datadisc: Chest (Jedi Paint BD-1 materials): Perk (Patience): Force Echo (A Rare Find): Force Echo (Missing in Action): Force Echo (Worlds Away): Datadisc: Chest (Persistence Emitter): Perk (Recuperation): Force Echo (Homesick): Force Echo (Insolence, Or Bravery): Force Echo (Mind Challenge): Force Echo (Private Doubts): Datadisc: